Let's take it up a notch with an ad Co-op!
Ok guys, it's time to quit playing around. Our business is
growing by leaps and bound everyday and it's time that we
let the world know about it again.
The best way to do this is through a massive advertising
campaign and the best time to do it is NOW while Success
University is still young.
Last month our co-op hit all the the major internet marketing,
network marketing, home business, and affiliate marketing
ezines with our message and our results were outstanding.
Our team grew from only 197 people to almost 400! That’s
100% team growth and that’s not bad.
Here is one of the many emails that I was sent from one of
Our team members about last month’s co-op:
"Daegan, Just wanted to update you on my successes. I
joined the ad Co-Op at the very last minute last month but
the results have been impressive. I have had 5 sign-ups the
very first week the ads started. Can't wait till next month
to do it again. If everyone just does that much our team
will start to grow dramatically in a very short period of
All the Best,
Mike Costello
Here's why I started the co-op,
I know not all of you on the team have the expertise to run
your business online so a couple of our team leaders and I
will do it for you through an ad co-op.
How will the co-op work?
Each member of the co-op will purchase a share. Our team
leaders will locate and investigate the best places to run
our advertisements and then we will place the ads.
Once the ad runs, each member of the team who purchases a
share in the co-op will receive their equal share of the
traffic produced.
What are the advantages of having an ad co-op?
The advantage of this is that we will be able to leverage
the experience and knowledge of those who are doing well as
an entire team.
I personally sponsored 72 people my first two month and that was
with my own small budget.
I know Jason Gazaway has already far surpassed that by sponsoring
Over 107 new team members within this first with his own small
Think what would happen if we could combine our track record
of success with a much larger budget in a way that everyone
on the team can take advantage?
Well that's what the co-op is all about - shared success.
I want everyone on our team to have the opportunity to
achieve financial freedom through their Success University
I think this ad co-op is going to be a powerful step in that
Two other big benefits of the ad co-op . . .
1. Spreading risk: by doing our advertising as a team no one
will be at the mercy of one bad ad. What I mean is . . . If
you're out there placing ads alone and you spend $80 on one
ad that just tanks your $80 in the whole. On the other hand,
if you put you ad dollars into our co-op your risk will be
spread over several ads so you will have more upside
potential and less overall risk.
2. Your prospects will love the fact that we have an
advertising co-op and many will be happy to have the option
to simply have us do all their advertising for them. This
will be a great benefit to point out while prospecting.
The specifics for this month:
This month’s co-op will consist of THREE unique aspects.
I want to hit the ezines hard again. So, what I’ll do first is
re-evaluate our best ad spots from last month and then
our team leaders and I will create an entirely fresh and new home
biz solo ads to market then we’ll place and track the ads with
ezines that we already have a track record of success.
The benefit of doing this is that we already know that these
Ad spots have a track record for success, so we already know that
These ads will do well. This means we’ll get a higher response
rate per dollar spent. (Using our team co-op funds effectively
and efficiently is the key to our success)
Second, we will venture into an entirely new market.
There are 87 high quality personal growth online newsletters
that we have not exposed Success University to as of yet. As
far as I know I don't think these newsletters have EVER been
exposed to Success University. So they are prime for our
To prepare for the run, I have been hard at work
constructing a personal development focused solo ad to use
with these publications.
But that's not all!
Third, this month I want to add a long term traffic generation
aspect to the co-op, If you've had a chance to look at the
team eBook you will see that article marketing and
distribution is the best way to do this.
So, I will begin to research, write, and have written at
least 15 personal development, internet, and network
marketing articles for the co-op that will be widely
distributed across the internet.
This will produce a larger scope of exposure to our business
and it will generate long term traffic to our lead capture
Let's take this to the next level! As you can see, we as your
team leaders, are out here working hard for you. I’ve personally
never been involved in a co-op as extensive as ours and this has
already set us apart from the rest of Success University.[
much so, that Ned Rae, the head excutive trainer here at Success
University is going take part in our marketing efforts this month and
even President and CEO Matt Morris has taken notice to what we're
doing and is hihgly impressed. We doing good things and higher
ups know it. So, let's impress them again! I need all of your
support to do this. ]
I will then post on our team blog exactly where each ad is
placed, the total price spent of each particular ad, when
each ad will run, and the number of click thrus each ad gets
after the ads is run. (as the ad is run)
Everyone who participates in the ad co-op will get one share
as I discussed earlier and we will disperse the traffic
equally via a URL rotator so everyone will get an equal
amount of traffic.
When leads fill out your opt in page you just follow up via
email or phone with your prospect and when they sign up
under you you get the credit!
That's using leverage if you asked me!
The reason that I am putting this co-op together is I want
to insure our teams success. As I said before I want to help
as many of you as I can attain financial freedom here with
Success University.
Guys and gals I'm throwing out all the stops!
My heart is beating so fast just thinking of what's to come AGAIN!
I only see success in our future and you have my word that I
will NEVER give up on you as long as you don't give up on
your dreams.
There is absolutely NO reason why we cannot be the fast
growing team here at Success University for years to come!
In order to make our second co-op run successfully I am
looking for at least 30 highly motivated business builders
who are willing to contribute just $80 to the co-op to pay
for their share. (
we already have 5)
With this, we will have $2400 to use as a team. This sort of
money will go a long way to help us grow our business in the
month of September and October.
By the way, don't think I'm not going to tell every single ezine
publisher I contact what we're doing here at Success
University. I'm gonna have them so pumped up that they're
going to want to sign up on the spot themselves.
Get your share now to share in our teams success.
Send me a private email to da3gan@gmail.com with your name,
phone number, email address, and lead capture page URL.
I will then send you a Paypal or Stormpay money request for
$80 for your co-op share.
or pay right here via the "Click Here to Pay" PayPal or Stormpay
button below:
Or just
click here to join via PayPal!
Or just
click here to join via StormPay!
We will use Paypal and Stormpay to handle all of our funds
as it is a very secure way to handle large sums of money online
and almost every ezine publisher accepts Paypal and Stormpay
The more the better!
If this goes as well as I plan we will extend the program
next month.
To our success,
Daegan Smith
Success University Director
Silver Spring, MD
Yahoo IM: daegan_smith@yahoo.com
P.S. Here are the updated stats for last month's co-op -
Click Here.