Saturday, November 26, 2005

Happy Holidays Indeed!

This is a message from your upline director in Success
University, Daegan Smith, and this message is going out to
everyone on my team up to six levels below. Read this
message very closely and pass it on to your teams.

I thought the holidays were supposed to be the slow season,
but we've grown my 57 people in the last 3 days!

Just today I went to my grandparents house to visit for a
while and when I returned home our team had grown my 18

That brings up to a grand total of 1096 since June 30th!

Our team momentum is picking up and as I thought it would,
but I didn't expect it to happen so soon!

We are impacting lives across the entire globe!

I even had a young lady by the name of Eiman Omer from
Germany give me call to go over her business plan today.

She was so excited to get started it put a smile on my face
just to hear the passion in here voice. With this type of
dedication, she is sure for great success and I can't wait
to see it unfold for her.

I hope those of you in the United States had a happy turkey
day and you had many things to be thankful for. I certainly

But as always it's time to get back to business and back to
business in a big way!

I have a present for you all.

You see I try to learn and test everything that I possible
can that can help you to be more successful in achieving
your dreams with success university so I I've found
something that you will love!

You see this gift can and will help anyone on the team no
matter how internet illiterate you are. You'll see what I
mean in a few seconds . . .

Right now I want to focus on the topic of PPC marketing and
how to use it to grow your business.

In our team eBook, I focus on Google as a great place to get
started with PPC marketing. (If you haven't had a chance to
pick up a copy of the team guide I will give you that
information in a few seconds.)

Google is a great place to get started, but the truth is
there are many many PPC search engines out there for you to
explore and test. And if everyone uses Google many people on
the team will end up stepping on each others toes in terms
of ad space.

So here is a list of the best of the best to expand your
marketing efforts.

For more complete information on the topic of PPC search
engine that you can use to market your business you can also
check out . . .

The truth is some of these PPC search engine will bring
better traffic than others, but they all can help you bring
a large amounts of targeted traffic to your Success
University lead capture page.

To use this information:

You should first read the chapter in our team eBook on how
to set up a free lead generation system using PPC marketing
and then you should try out the above mentioned PPC search
engines before expanding to the smaller PPC search engines.

The reason for this is most people use the large search
engines so you will get both a larger and better market base
to tap into. You want to start with one of these larger
engines and create a successful system using them before
moving your efforts to the smaller PPC engines.

So . . .

I'm sure your wondering what it is that I have to give you.

Well, since we are talking about pay per click marketing I
have a great gift to make this form of marketing easier for

You see. To be successful in PPC marketing you need both a
large (on the order of thousands) and a highly targeted list
of keywords to place your ads. I have a gift that will teach
exactly how to easily achieve this essential task associated
with PPC marketing.

I retail a video course on building huge targeted PPC lists
which you can find here:

But because you are on my team and I want you to achieve
massive success with your Success University business I want
to give you this course.

So . . . It's yours!

Do not share this link with anyone, just go to and download
the video course:

[Team Exclusive]

Now if you're new to the team and you don't know how or
where to get start with marketing Success University . . .

Remember, success is very simple with this business.

All you have to do is get as much targeted traffic to your
capture page on a consistent basis:

Then give your growing team as much support as you possibly
can and
the rest will take care of itself.

How do you get target traffic to your lead capture page?

Just send an email to for a copy of our
team guide "Internet MLM Success" and that's the best place
to start!

Let's take this once in a lifetime opportunity and achieve
than you ever thought possible!

Once you believe in your heart you will have massive success
with your Success University business you will. That's the
simple truth.

So make up your mind and dare to achieve more than you ever
thought possible and I and your upline will be there with
you ever step of the way!

To the top,

Daegan Smith
Success University Director
Silver Spring, MD

Friday, November 25, 2005

#1 Spot

This is a message from your upline director in Success
University, Daegan Smith, and this message is going out to
everyone on my team up to six levels below. Read this
message very closely and pass it on to your teams.

The October - Noverember Co-op is finished!

All ads are set . . . but they are not all done.

In my estimations, only about 60% of our ad exposue has been
realized for this co-op. those of you with a share will
receive traffic based on your share as noted below. Between
Oct 20 and today our team has grown by over 330 people and
it will continue to grow because of your efforts and our
team co-op.

I will open the next window for enrollment in the co-op on
December 1st, but I will update you on that in the near

All details for our most recent co-op are noted below.

To the top and beyond!


78,196 clicks so far and roughly 750 click for each member
of the co-op so far.

Total cost: $14400.59

When I said I was going to pay my fair share for this months
co-op I meant it. We had a little bit over $8000 of
contribution from the team and the rest I contributed. I
want as many of you as possible to succeed and I hope you
now see the degree to which I mean this.

Cost breakdown:

[Team Exclusive]

To the top,

Daegan Smith
Success University Director
Silver Spring, MD

Sunday, November 20, 2005

1010+ and counting!

We hit the 1000 member mark this weekend!

I'm speechless.

Between June 30th and October 20th we grew a team of over
1000 members. I've never been a part of something so grand.
This is truly history in the making!

I've spent the majority of the weekend updating the team
"Internet MLM Success" eBook and I think you will all like
what you see.

Get your personal version by sending an email to
[team only] and then click the confirmation link in
the following confirmation email.

Together we will put Success University in the history books
as the fastest and largest network marketing organization

To the top,


P.S. More updates tomorrow.