Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy New Years and A Few Adwords Tips!

This is a message from your upline Director in Success
University, Daegan Smith, and this message is going out to
everyone on my team up to six levels below. Read this
message very closely and pass it on to your teams.

Just wanted to wish you all a Happy New Years!

We are officially over 1400 sign ups in 6 months.


2006 will be a year to remember for use all.

I am learning some new tricks that will absolutely insure

The co-op is still going strong and I will update you all
early next week with all co-op spending and results thus

Because of the holiday season we will postpone starting
January's co-op until the 6th.

With all that said I have some Adwords PPC tips to share
with you all.

When setting up your campaigns this is what I am doing and I
recommend that you do as well.

Start out with a large list of keywords in your niche by
following the advice in the team eBook.

Once you have that running and generating traffic take out a
notepad and write out your best converting keywords.

Then create separate ad groups specific to those strong
keywords by going back and doing additional targeted keyword

Here is an easy tool to use to help with this:

Just type in your keyword and press enter and you will be
giving a large list of last months most searched for terms
relating to the term that you entered.

Then what most people miss is using things like "broad" and
"exact" matching functions available in Google Adwords.

Since they miss them you should be using them to your

Here is an easy tool to help with this:

Then add all these terms into your new ad groups.

If there are terms that you don't want people to click your
ads for then you have the ability to use negative keywords
in Google as well by just putting a - in front of the

For example, if you have success as one of your keywords and
you don't want Google to show your ads for terms like
cooking success just use "-cooking" as a keyword and Google
will omit your ad from showing for "cooking success"

Another thing you should do is create a specific ad for each
of your keywords. For example, your ad for "success" should
be different then your ad for "cheese".

One last thing . . .

Once your ads start running you will see the position that
they are running at. You want your ads running in the "sweet
spot" between position 3 and 8 on the page for the best and
most targeted traffic.

Use this knowledge well!


Remember, success is very simple with this business.

All you have to do is get as much targeted traffic to your
lead capture page on a consistent basis:

Then give your growing team as much support as you possibly
can and the rest will take care of itself.

How do you get target traffic to your lead capture page?

Just send an email to [Exclusive] for a copy of our
team guide "Internet MLM Success" and that's the best place
to start!

Once you believe in your heart you will have massive success
with your Success University business you will. That's the
simple truth.

So make up your mind and dare to achieve more than you ever
thought possible and I and your upline will be there with
you ever step of the way!

To the top,

Daegan Smith
Success University Director
Silver Spring, MD


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