Saturday, December 03, 2005

There's more!

This is a message from your upline director in Success
University, Daegan Smith, and this message is going out to
everyone on my team up to six levels below. Read this
message very closely and pass it on to your teams.

Wow! After yesterdays message to the team we are almost up
to 50 in the co-op.

To recap . . .

When you reserve a share in the team Co-op I will personally
contribute 20% of the total amount to the fund for under 100
people, 30% for 100 to 150, and 40% 150 and over.

So potentially your $80 share could get you $112 worth of

Not bad.

But that's not all . . .

You see I want to be sure that you get way more than you get
when you reserve a spot in our co-op, so I have another gift
that I will give to every member of the co-op that will
drastically increase your online marketing efforts.

Remember the chapter in the eBook on Forum marketing?

Well it works, it works well, and it's free, and afterall
that's how I found Success University. I will give every
member of the co-op something to drastically help them in
their forum marketing efforts.

To see what I mean go to:

Do not attempt to purchase this product. The link's aren't
active but read the sales letter and think about how you
could use this powerful tool to increase the effectiveness
of your forum marketing efforts.

We'll . . .

I will give every member of the co-op this their own
personal copy of this powerful piece of software valued at
$47 free as well as a list of the net's top 93 Internet
Marketing forums valued at $27 when you reserve a your

So in essence when you reserve your share in our team's co-
op you will get

- $74 worth of powerful marketing tools aimed specifically
at helping you grow your downline.

- Up to $32 in additional free advertising

- You have our team leader working on your behalf to
generate the best and most targeted traffic to your sites to
help ensure your success.

You never get what you pay for on our team.

Let's make history this month!

Reserve your share now.

Or just click below to join via PayPal!

[Team Exclusive]

Or just click below to join via StormPay!

[Team Exclusive]

We will use Paypal and Stormpay to handle all of our funds
as it is a very secure way to handle large sums of money
online and almost every ezine publisher accepts Paypal and

After you send your payment to reserve your share just send
me an email to with your Name # of shares
and SU username.

To the top,

Daegan Smith
Success University Director
Silver Spring, MD
Yahoo IM:

Friday, December 02, 2005

You never get what you pay for . . .

Isn't it true that most times in life that you never really
get what you pay for?

You always get something more or less then you expect when
you put your money on the line.

What do I mean?

Well . . .

You go out and you buy a new computer and you expect
everything to be fine and a invariably a month later it
breaks down.

Now of course you have a warranty for that, but you've also
generated a whole lot of hassle for yourself.

I mean . . .

You have to deal with getting the thing fixed, you deal with
shipping it, and you have to deal with following with the
support department to get updates on your "new" computer's
status, then you have to deal with the support putting you
on hold for twenty minutes and then when they do pick up you
have to deal with the fact that can't locate the status of
or your computer.

What a hassle you know?

On the flip side, sometimes you get more. Maybe in the
process of getting that computer fixed you meet your soul
mate on the helpline. That never would have happened if you
hadn't bought that new computer.

All I mean to say is you never know what you're going to get
when you begin a new path or start something new in your
life for better or worse.

I think about things like this when I think about my network
marketing business today. I never would have thought, when
two years ago, I dreamed of a better future through network
marketing and then had to go through the ringer that I ever
would be sitting the position that I am now.

I never would have found Success University if I hadn't gone
through everything else in my life and with network
marketing that lead up to that fateful day when I found E.K.
Gann's Success University link in an online forum.

I am so appreciative of everything that we have done to this
point at Success University that it truly fills my heart
with joy. But this never would have happened if I gave up
somewhere along the line.

I listened to Earl Nightingales "Lead the Field" today while
driving in my car and he said something that really hit
home. He said nothing can stop a person with a definite goal
in mind.

And you know what?

I find it to be true.

But, back the issue of you never get what you pay for . . .

Well since last night. In less than 24 hours, over 35 people
have reserved a share in the co-op. Whenever I see this sort
of a result I see that many many people on our team have the
same mindset of success that I hold.

I know we can't fail. I know we will always be the fastest
growing team in Success University.


We are literally a team full of leaders.

We set ourselves apart from the crowd.

No other team has our sort of support from the top down. No
other team shares the same since of community and crystal
clear vision.

Ever person on this team that has a goal will achieve that
goal. I guarantee it. Because I've learned it's the "Law".

If you want it and you TRULY want it it will be yours. It's
really that simple.

What does all this have to do never getting what you pay
for? Well . . .

When you are a part of our co-op I have to be honest you
NEVER get what you pay for. I personally make sure of this.

You always get much more.

If you were a part of last month's co-op you know what I
mean. (And you will soon know even further what I mean.)

Last night I told you the details of the co-op, but I didn't
give you anything more.

Tonight I will change that.

You see in our co-op you are never the only person vested in
your success. Not only do I make sure that we get the best
ad spot and deals I personally contribute as well.

What do I mean?

Last month we collect over $8,000 for the co-op yet the
total amount spent was over $14,000. (I got a little carried
way . . . )

And we still have some HUGE ads to run. Look out for 12/5!

So what more do you get when you join our co-op?

When you reserve a co-op share this month I will match your
share by 20%. So if you reserve a share today you will not
get $80 worth of advertising you'll get $96.

When we reach 100 co-op members I will match your share by
30% and when we hit the 150 member mark I will match your
contribution by 40%. It scares me to say it, but I'm
committed to doing it because my success in your success so
your financial risk is mine as well.

You never get what you pay for on our team.

Let's make history this month!

Reserve your share now.

Or just click below to join via PayPal!

[Team Exclusive]

Or just click below to join via StormPay!

[Team Exclusive]

We will use Paypal and Stormpay to handle all of our funds
as it is a very secure way to handle large sums of money
online and almost every ezine publisher accepts Paypal and

After you send your payment to reserve your share just send
me an email to with your Name # of shares
and SU username.

To the top,

Daegan Smith
Success University Director
Silver Spring, MD
Yahoo IM:

P.S. I have a lesson for today inspired by team member Kevin

He sent me an email with the question:

What should I do with my old leads that have not signed up?

I felt answering this question in this format would be best.

I saw an email from Matt Morris today saying that I had
personally signed up 28 new members since the beginning of
the Success University contest (Gary Neame was right behind

How did I get those sign ups?

Varying method discussed in the eBook, but the majority of
those sign ups came from leveraging leads that I had already

What I did was I sent 1 email to my old leads and 1 email to
"Internet MLM Success" leads. It was the same email that we
used for last month's co-op. It was a revised form of the
following email.

This is why I tell you guys to set up an email follow up
system via Aweber in the team eBook!

So you can send messages to your old leads ever now and
again to breathe some new life in them. (You can download
the team ebook by sending an email to [Team Exclusive])

If you haven't set up your personal auto responder follow up
system yet I hope you now see the importance of having this
capability. You can use the link below to get an account or
you can use the link in your team guide.


[Team Exclusive]


Then when I generated leads and sign ups I sent another
email to old leads list saying hey I got X number of new
team members and if you were thinking about joining Success
University I will place these member under you if and only
if you act within the next 24 hours. (As described in the
team eBook)

It works like a charm.

This resulted in 18 new sign ups in the span of three days.

If it works for me it will work for you to.

Use this knowledge well!

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Our team online conference and updates!

This is a message from your upline director in Success
University, Daegan Smith, and this message is going out to
everyone on my team up to six levels below. Read this
message very closely and pass it on to your teams.

I'm sure many of you who were not able to attend last night
teleconference have been wondering . . .

How did it go?

Our first team online conference went GRRREAT! I had a blast
meeting everyone for the first time. We had people from ever
corner of the world attend and I'm sure we'll have even more
next time.

Just getting to finally meet so many of you in that forum
was truly priceless and I thank all of you that were able to
attend for being their full of energy and questions.

The conference lasted for a little over an hour and we were
able to trouble shoot and really get to meet.

I answered many many pressing questions and I met many many
outstanding people from all across the world, so I think it
was time well spent.

I had my trusty sidekick and team leader Trent Brownrigg
there to help fill in the whole on anything that I missed
and I actually learned quite a few new tricks myself.

So all I can say is I can't wait until next Thusday at
8:30pm EST to the next teleconference!


Our Agenda is as follows . . .

Greetings and updates (5min)
Getting started: The Basic (15 min)
Strategies for working with a limited budget (15 min)
Sharing Team Successes and Failures (15 min)
Technology (10 min)
General Questions and Closing Words (5 min or as long as you


I have also decided that I will leave the team's online
conference room open Monday thru Friday from 6pm to 9pm EST
(as long as my computer is working) so you all can check in
and ask questions or just chat with each other or me during
that time.

The link to download our team's online conference room is as

[Team Exclusive]

(Make sure you have your pop blockers turned off when trying
to access the above link)

If that first link doesn't work for you try this one:

[Team Exclusive]

Other news . . .

It's that time once again team!

We will open to doors for enrollment in the team co-op
tomorrow. I'm excited just thinking about it!

I'll get you all the details tomorrow. It's time to push
full steam ahead and I have some new surprise that I am
planning on including in next month's co-op to that our our
message of success even farther.

Remember, success is very simple with this business.

All you have to do is get as much targeted traffic to your
capture page on a consistent basis:

Then give your growing team as much support as you possibly
can and
the rest will take care of itself.

How do you get target traffic to your lead capture page?

Just send an email to [Team Exclusive] for a copy of our
team guide "Internet MLM Success" and that's the best place
to start!

Let's take this once in a lifetime opportunity and achieve
more than you ever thought possible!

Once you believe in your heart you will have massive success
with your Success University business you will. That's the
simple truth.

So make up your mind and dare to achieve more than you ever
thought possible and I and your upline will be there with
you ever step of the way!

To the top,

Daegan Smith
Success University Director
Silver Spring, MD

P.S. DO NOT waste your time or advertising dollars on things
like FFA networks, safelists, or traffic exchanges, or any
other marketing solution that looks to easy or free to be

You will only waste your time and your money and frustrate
yourself at your lack of progress. Stick to the stuff in the
team eBook. The eBook is based on tried and true online
marketing principles that consistently work in every

P.P.S. We grew by another 12 people so far today so steady
the ship goes!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Case Study: Gary Neame - How he enrolled 29 people in 3 weeks!

This is a message from your upline director in Success
University, Daegan Smith, and this message is going out to
everyone on my team up to six levels below. Read this
message very closely and pass it on to your teams.

Detials for Gary:

Just want to let you know what I am doing to build my
Success University team.

In 3 weeks I have 29 personal members.

First I joined targted forums. I join 5 per day. Then every 3-5
day's I go back and place another article in those forums.

I joined lists which I have used and driving traffic to my

I post on high traffic sites.

Then I send this message out to those lists and high traffic
sites. . .

The subject I use is this ( This Is MAJOR Internet news... )

The body text I use is this ( They beat out every other
company in a 64 Billion a Year Industry!)

All so when I get spam I resend them this e-mail.

This is MAJOR Internet news...
They beat out every other company in a 64 Billion a Year

In my consulting with the company, I've been helping to
launch a major advertising and publicity campaign that will
launch it on thousands of sites on the net, they're rolling
out a major radio campaign along with a massive email
campaign that will go out to millions of people around the

We're rolling this campaign out at the end of the month and
because of my confidentiality agreement with the company I
haven't mentioned it to ANYONE...

I can't tell you the name of the company in a public email
like this but you'll see everything when you go through the


This is EXTREMELY time-sensitive...

My advice is to drop everything and do this right now
because the people who jump on this email first, will get
positioned ABOVE those who wait. (And will earn the most
money because of the customers I put below you.)

I'm not going to make a big sales pitch here because when
this hits, you'll see it everywhere anyway.

But if you want the inside track, and you want to be
positioned above the masses of people who will join this
company over the next 30-60 days I'll just say this --


You can get positioned NOW, at the top of my team, BEFORE we
roll out this campaign.


Gray Neame

PS - I promised the owner that this wouldn't get out to
anyone besides my efforts so please don't forward this

When I start getting people signing in through my SU capture
page I then send them this e-mail
"Success University" this is Gary & Rachel Neame

Hey "Claire",

Just wanted to let you know that I'm a real person.

A little about Rachel & I,


In the last 60 day our Success University business has
grown by 317 people and the best part is . . . I run my
business completely online.

We even have a team "Intenet Network Marekting Success"
eBook that will teach you exactly how to duplicate my
personal success.

We have people on my team that have never run a business
online or off and are having great success in their very
first month.

We have one student who's grown a team of over 150 in
less than 30 day!


Review the following information thoroughly:


Here are the steps you must take to fully investigate
Success University for yourself:

Step 1:

Watch the "11 Minute Infomercial" at:
Step 2:

Listen to the full audio presentation and read the complete
sales letter at:
Step 3:

Test drive our marketing system for FREE and help feed a
hungry child for a week by doing it.

The only way to get a complete and unbiased look at this
business from the inside out is to try it out. Luckily,
you can do that for free here:
Step 4:

Get back in touch with me via email or phone and I will
personally send you a copy of our team's marketing guide.

I will teach you everything I know to put you on
the fast track to earning a profit within your trail period.

That's it!

Gary & Rachel Neame,

P.S. Our business is growing extremely fast so be persistent
in trying to contact me. It may take a a day or so for me
to fully respond.

Love to have you on the team!

My Full Contact Info:

Gary & Rachel Neame
Success University
Ph 011 643 337 9657
St Martins
New Zealand

When they start joining as a payed member I then keep them
in my holding tank and then e-mail

All the people that have gone through my capture page and
say If you join today you will have 1 paying member to be
placed under you!

Then when another one joines I e-mail again saying if you
join today you will have 2 paying members to be placed under

So on and so on until my 5 day's is just about up and then I
place these members down 1 leg and then move on to my other
leg and do the same there.

When I resend out to the none paying memebrs to let them
know that if they join today they will have a paying member
placed under them I all so send them this below which I put
together. You are more than welcome to use it. Just change
the links to your own.