Saturday, August 13, 2005

The team co-op is even easier to join now!

Sorry to send you two emails in less than 24 hours
but this is important.

I’ve just made it even easier to join the Co-op.

Because of the massive response to our new advertising
co-op (12 response since last night)

I’ve added an easy click link to our team blog to make it even
easier for you and your referrals to sign up for our co-op.

Just go to our team blog at:

and click the link for “Our Team Co-op”

As you will see there is an easy to join co-op link there.

Or you can use this following link:

click here

Email me with any questions,

Daegan Smith
Success University Director

Co-op Update!

It's only a little after 8am here in Silver Spring, MD.

Less than 12 hours after sending that our proposed
team co-op email to the team I received 8 responses.

That's better than I expected.

This shows me that we have a highly motivated team
with only one thing on our minds . . .


I'm excited,



By the way . . .

I've added our team Co-op to our "links' section
on the blog.

Please refer your prospects to this.

It will encourage them to see that thay can get off
to a successful start even if they don't know the
firstr thing about running an internet or network
marketing business.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Proposed Team Co-op Solo Ad

Title: Create passive income online - hype or not?

Here's the deal . . .

About five weeks ago I cam across the email that I've
attached below and I decided to take the sender up on their

Here is the link that I was sent to:

I decided to do some ezine advertising as well as a little
PPC advertising and right now after only five weeks my
business has grow to over 137 people.

All I did was direct traffic to my lead capture page.

Here are the exact stats:

I got 49 direct signups

I've already received two pay checks

I converted over 10% on my ezine advertising

And I converted over 4% on my PPC advertising at $0.30 a

The rest of the growth was spillover and downline growth.

Now here is the crazy part . . .

I grew my business by 137 people working alone. This go
around my team and I are hitting all the major ezines hard
with this exact message.

Just think of the results that we'll have this go around as
a team with a vastly increased budget and experience under
our belts.

So here is my advice:

Read the email below and follow the links to investigate
everything. If it makes since to you get in on this thing

It's going to get very big very quick!

I know your probably skeptical so I'll provide proof of
everything that I've said here on the website.

The email that was sent to me:


Wanna Learn the Secret of Creating Passive Income Online
From a man who made $3,244,842.32 on the Internet in Only 27
months for FREE?

Hi [firstname],

I'm so excited about this I had to send this to you

My good friend Matt Morris, who is the President and owner
of Success University, has been a partner of mine for the
past couple years and has earned millions online - this guy
really knows his stuff...

He has put together the most amazing Step-by-Step marketing
system the Internet has seen in years. Trust me on this, I
get approached with everything new online and I truly
believe this will take the net by STORM. He's allowing me to
offer this to my members before word gets out to the rest
the Internet...

All I can say is GET IN NOW or you'll end up wanting to yank
your hair out later for not jumping on this.

Here's Matt's offer:

For a limited time, he's waiving his regular $149.95
enrollment fee allowing you to join Success University for

Matt doesn't need to do this at all - he's enrolled
thousands of students in over 50 countries around the world.
In fact, all of his advisors, including me, told him he was
crazy for throwing away this revenue...

Until he told us why -- this is where it gets exciting --
and this is where the "catch" comes in - You can enroll at
no charge and will be allowed to plug into Matt's Step-by-
Step marketing system that can earn you thousands of dollars
a month but you have to submit a $2 donation...

Matt's not keeping ANY of the $2 - in fact, he'll be taking
massive amounts of money out of his own pocket to give you
full access to the full Success University curriculum for a
full 14 days.

100% of every deposit will be donated to Feed the Children -
your donation will feed a hungry child for a full week. Our
goal is to feed 6,000 children this month!

Here's the bottom line:


If you join my team now, I'll put so many people below you
it'll make your head spin! Not only can we help feed
thousands of children around the world - all of us, and I do
mean ALL of us, can earn a fortune here.

Matt has put together the most lucrative residual
compensation plan that has ever been released. You will flat
out earn More Money - FASTER than any other type of
compensation program you've ever seen.

GET IN NOW to secure a position at the TOP of my group.

I'm promoting this like WILDFIRE by emailing my entire
database each month, through my HUGE banner inventory, and
with pop-ups on my sites!

Trust me on this - donate your 2 bucks and watch what
happens in your downline!

Daegn Smith
Comlev Marketing

Let's take it up a notch with an ad Co-op!

Let's take it up a notch with an ad Co-op!

Ok guys, it's time to quit playing around. Our business is
growing by leaps and bound everyday and it's time that we
let the world know about it.

The best way to do this is through a massive advertising
campaign and the best time to do it is NOW while Success
University is still young.

It's time that we hit all of the major internet marketing,
network marketing, home business, and affiliate marketing
ezines with our message.

Here's the deal,

I know not all of you on the team have the expertise to run
your business online so a couple of our team leaders and I
will do it for you through an ad co-op.

How will the co-op work?

Each member of the co-op will purchase a share. Our team
leaders will locate and investigate the best places to run
our advertisements and then we will place the ads.
Once the ad runs each member of the team who purchases a
share in the co-op will receive their equal share of the
traffic produced.

What are the advantages of starting an ad co-op?

The advantage of this is that we will be able to leverage
the experience and knowledge of those who are doing well as
an entire team.

I personally sponsored 49 people my first month and that was
with my own small budget.

I know both Trent Brownrigg and Jason Gazaway are blazing
their way right now with the same sort of results with their
own small budgets.

Think what would happen if we could combine our track record
of success with a much larger budget in a way that everyone
on the team can take advantage?

Well that's what the co-op is all about - shared success.

I want everyone on our team to have the opportunity to
achieve financial freedom through their Success University

I think this ad co-op is going to be a powerful step in that

To other big benefits of the ad co-op . . .

1. Spreading risk: by doing our advertising as a team no one
will be at the mercy of one bad ad. What I mean is . . . If
you're out there placing ads alone and you spend $80 on one
ad that just tanks your $80 in the whole. On the other hand,
if you put you ad dollars into our co-op your risk will be
spread over several ads so you will have more upside
potential and less overall risk.

2. Your prospects will love the fact that we have an
advertising co-op and many will be happy to have the option
to simply have us do all their advertising for them. This
will be a great benefit to point out while prospecting.

The specifics:

As I said before, I want to hit the ezines hard. So what
Trent, Jason, and I will do is pick the cream of the crop
then do the research and then place and track the ads.

I will then post to our team blog exactly where each ad is
placed, the total price spent of each particular ad, when
each ad will run, and the number of click thrus each ad gets
after the ads is run.

Everyone who participates in the ad co-op will get one share
as I discussed earlier and we will disperse the traffic
equally via a URL rotator so everyone will get an equal
amount of traffic.

When leads fill out your opt in page you just follow up via
email or phone with your prospect and when they sign up
under you you get the credit!

That's using leverage if you asked me!

The reason that I am putting this co-op together is I want
to insure our teams success. As I said before I want to help
as many of you as I can attain financial freedom here with
Success University.

Guys and gals I'm throwing out all the stops!

My heart is beating fast just thinking of what's to come.

I only see success in our future and you have my word that I
will NEVER give up on you as long as you don't give up on
your dreams.

There is absolutely NO reason why we cannot be the fast
growing team here at Success University for years to come!

In order to make our first co-op run successfully I am
looking for at least 10 highly motivated business builders
who are willing to contribute just $80 to the co-op to pay
for their share.

With this, we will have $800 to use as a team. This sort of
money will go a long way to help us grow our business in the
month of September.

And don't think I'm not going to tell every single ezine
publisher I contact what we're doing here at Success
University. I'm gonna have them so pumped up that they're
going to want to sign up on the spot themselves.

Get your share now to share in our teams success.

Send me a private email to with your name,
phone number, email address, and lead capture page URL.

I will then send you the Paypal email address to send the
$80 for your co-op share.

or pay right here via the "Click Here to Pay" PayPal button below:

Or just click here to join!

We will use Paypal to handle all of our funds as it is a
very secure way to handle large sums of money online and
almost every ezine publisher accepts Paypal payment.

The more the better!

If this goes as well as I plan we will extend the program
next month.

To our success,

Daegan Smith
Success University Director
Silver Spring, MD
Yahoo IM:

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Success U Update:

This email update is going out to my
direct downline and their teams.

Our momentum is crazy!

We are up to 129 members!

How are we doing it?

Simple . . .

Getting traffic to our lead capture pages!


Congrats to:

Jason Gazaway
Warren Fransham
Michiyo Horikoshi

They've each taken massive action and achieved great
business growth.

I've talked to each of them and they are achieving their
success simply by using our teams methods described in the
blog: Pay Per Click and Ezine ads.

If you haven't given them a whirl I suggest you get over to
the blog and give them a try.


On the horizon,

The internet network marketing training ebook is still in
the works. I think is should be ready for all of you by this
time next week so be on the look out.


I am putting together an ad co-op for our serious business
builders. I know some of you lack the expertise to run your
business online right now. While you're getting your
internet marketing knowledge up to speed we will do all the
advertising for you! (More info on this is a few days.)

I want everyone to be successful with this business because
I know in my heart that you can.

Whatever you do, if you want this to work, if you want
financial freedom, if you want more time to spend with your
family - whatever it is . . .


Just keeping chugging ahead we'll get there together as a

To our success,

Daegan Smith
Success University Director
Silver Spring, MD
Yahoo IM:

Monday, August 08, 2005

Internet MLM Success! Update

I've been slaving away . . .

The book is almost finsihed.

I'm almost done with all my content.
Then it goes into editing phase. I'm

I'm creating this book because it is
all of the information that I would
have gladely paid to learn how to
market my business online, but I
couldn't find anywhere.

I had to learn all one piece at a
time. Now I'm putting it all together
in one comprehensive resource that
anyone can use.

I'm really excited,

Daegan Smith

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Congrats to Jason Gazaway!

Jason just reached the rank of Counselor.

In the past couple of days, he's taken some
massive actions and has been fortunate enough
to recruit his first 8 students.

Great Job!

Your Director

Prospecting and New Start Emails:

Prospecting and New Start Emails:

Since many of you are starting to have some exceptional
success I wanted to make sure that you have all the tools
that I have been using to enroll new team members.

Here is the email that I send to everyone that takes a look
at my site. It
get them to take a complete look at Success University. Your

prospects that are truly interested will go through
everything and really
sell themselves.

Title: "Name" this is Daegan

Hey "Name",

Just wanted to let you know that I'm a real person.

A little about me,


In the last 4 weeks my Success University business has
grown by 98 people and the best part is . . . I didn't
have to cold call anyone to do it - neither will you.

This business can and will work for anyone.

I have people on my team that have never run a business
online or off and are having great success in their very
first month.

Review this email thoroughly.


Here are the steps you must take to fully investigate
Success University for yourself:

Step 1:

Watch the "11 Minute Infomercial" at:

Step 2:

Listen to the full audio presentation and read the complete
sales letter at:

Step 3:

Check out my personal blog to investigate our team and our
success at:

Step 4: Donate $2 to help "Feed the Children"
and sign up for our 14 day Free Trial

The only way to get a complete unbiased look at this
business from the inside out is to try it out. Luckily,
you can do that for free here:

Step 5: Get back in touch with me via email or phone.

I will teach you everything I know to put you on
the fast track to earning a profit within your trail period.

That's it!


P.S. Our business is growing extremely fast so be persistent
in trying to contact me. It may take a a day or so for me
to fully respond.

Love to have you on the team!

My Full Contact Info:

Daegan Smith
Success University Director
Silver Spring, MD
Yahoo IM:


There are two emails that I send to my new free trial
enrollees. You are free to use them as you like. I suggest
you use them both because the first one introduces your new
team members to the blog and the second one introduces them
to the benefits of upgrading.

Welcome to the Team I

Great to have you on the team!

(I'm going to foward you another email from me Ned Rae my
upline as well.)


Let me know a little bit about yourself and your experience
internet and network marketing.

Let me know how I can best help you to get your business up
and running.


Success is just a matter of getting as much traffic as you
can to your lead capture page with this business!

Your lead capture url looks like this




Check out our blog it should help you get off to a fast

Pay close attention to the post on getting $50 worth of
free Google Adwords Advertising!

Post to look for:

"Warren Fransham took Massive Action and
Got Results in less than 24 hours!"

Stay plugged into the Success University training,
Boot Camp emails, and always ask questions!

Call or email me anytime.

Gotta run,

Your Director
Daegan Smith
Silver Spring, MD

Welcome to the Team II:



Welcome from Daegan Smith and Ned Rae with Success
I'm part of your support training team and I wanted to let
know I'm here to help you.

I want to make sure you have all my contact information in
case you have ANY questions about our program.

You have a pre-enrollee leads program you can take advantage
of in your back office that will help you automatically
continue growing your business, have you looked at the
program or gotten any leads yet?

You know it only takes getting one person in each of your
two legs and a total of four in your pay leg to generate
$40.00 a month as a Basic member that about offsets the
monthly tuition.

I want to make sure you understand that when you upgrade to
a Premium Member before the end of your 14 day trial period,
you will be eligible for double the commissions in our
compensation plan and that allows you to earn $40 per cycle
a month instead of $20 per cycle, doubling the commissions
both weekly and monthly (see compensation overview in
Library documents in your Resources Section of your back
office, overview is shown for a Premium Member). Not only
that, when you upgrade your tuition gets pushed out for a
full 30 days so you'll save $49.95. So it's really a
win/win situation for you!!

The value you get when you upgrade far exceeds what you will
spend. For the $149.95 you'll get a $357.00 product
of hard copy DVD and CD's sent to you in our Welcome Pack
along with welcome letter scripts and information on how to
build a profitable Success University business.

You get TWO hours of DVD with the legendary Jim Rohn and Zig
Ziglar, not to mention Jim Rohn's CD "Building Your Network
Marketing Business, Denis Waitley's "Acres of Diamonds" and
the great Brian Tracey's "Maximum Selling Strategies.

You are also enrolled in the most successful personal
development program known world wide by the great Jim Rohn,
Pillars of Success, Success Plan, proven to have a better
than 90% retention factor for this program sent to you every

You have gotten over $800 worth of free down loadable e-
zines and when you upgrade you will get the product pack

If you feel you have not gotten value for value and have
taken a course or two, simply return your product pack in
good condition to our corporate office and we will refund
100% of your enrollment fees, NO QUESTIONS ASKED. Like I
said, "it's value for value with a win-win scenario!"

Go back to your web site and make sure you read everything
so you truly know what you have your hands on if you have
ANY questions let me know ASAP. Also make sure you are
reading your Orientation Letters sent to you by Success
University, there are four. As a back up they are listed in
your back office in the "Learning Center"!!

Let the system train you. Here are 5 action steps to help
you get started.

1. Make sure to read your Orientation Emails. You will find
them in your back office under Learning Center.

2. Listen to the Faculty training by Johnny Wimbrey listed
on the first page when you log into your back office.
3. Listen to the New Member Training Call on Saturday.

4. I would recommend taking the elective courses on Network
Marketing in your back office. They are great!
5. Your business will build in proportion to the number of
people you send to your website.

Always give out the address to your capture page.

It is your website addresswith a /new at the end.


www.(yourusername) It is all
about exposing as many people as you can to this business
through the tools available. (Website, recorded overviews
and live conference calls). Print out the scripts on how to
talk to prospects that are in your back office. You will
find them under My Account in the Library section. This
program has been a personal as well as financial blessing to
many people. Share it with as many people as you can and
you will find those that will embrace it for the product
benefits in their life as well as financial.
Let me know if you have any questions.

I am committed to your success so let's team up and make it

Feel free to reach me anytime. I look forward to working
with you and WELCOME TO THE TEAM!!

(512) 225-9483
Pin: 486309#

8:00pm CST
Opportunity Call

8:00pm CST
Opportunity Call

7:30pm CST
Live Prospecting Call

9:00pm CST
Faculty Training Tele-Seminar

8:00pm CST
Opportunity Call

11:00am CST
New Member Training Call!

24 Hour Audio Podium
(212) 461-2595
Option #1 - 8 Minute Overview
Option #2 - 20 Minute Conference Call

Daegan Smith
Your Director
Success University TM
Cell (202) 321-4198

Ned Rae
Executive Director/Trainer/Coach
International Advisory Board Member
Toll Free Voice Mail 1-888-894-6048

Success is Progressive Realization of a worthy idea.

Successful people awaken each day knowing it takes daily
ACTION to realize their dreams !

24/7 Information call 1-212-461- 2595


Use these and keep in touch guys,
