Wednesday, September 07, 2005

A Hero

I want to take a second to step away from Success University
to speak about something a little bit more important.

Hurricane Katrina has devastated many here in the United

So many lives lost, so many lives destroyed, so much
confusion, and so much pain.

It's only in these situations that true heroes emerge.

It's just amazing to see how selfless people can be when
times call for it.

Katrina hits very close to home for me today in a very
special way.

Last night while having a conversation with my father,
out of the blue, he told me that he was going to adopt a
child that his been left orphaned by the hurricane.

I was instantly taken aback.

This, almost 60 year old man, is willing to open his home
and his heart to a new child seemingly on the turn of a dime
simply because the situation needs people like him to step

I'm without words.

I'm proud of him. I've always thought of him as great
father, but now he's more. He's my hero.

There truly is good in the world - and it starts in each of
our hearts.

Do something nice fore someone out there today.


P.S. I've updated the blog for the team with this message
and one other post that should help many of you.

The Quickest, Cheapest, Easiest Way to Enroll 5 or More Reps Quickly

Ezine Solo Ads:

Step 1:

Buy a one year membership to DOE

Step 2:

Research Business Opportunity, Internet Marketing, Affiliate
Marketing, Business Training, and Business General
Categories for Ezines that will allow you to to place solo

Step 3:

Email the ezine publishers the following email:



I found your listing via DOE.

I really think my ad would do well with your subscribers,
but . . .

You know your subscriber base much better than I ever can,
so I need your opinion on whether or not my ad will do well
with your audience.

Just a little background,

I'm promoting a business called Success University. It's an
internet based success development webucation membership
business with a network marketing compensation structure.

I started promoting this business about 6 weeks ago and I've
grown a team of 149 people under me so far. So this business is
really moving fast. Now that I have a team under me we've
developed a ad co-op to keep this strong momentum going in the
following months.

I don't like to place ezine ads without communicating withthe
ezine publisher. So, I need your opinion on whether or not you
think my attatched solo ad will do well with your subscriber base
before I place the ad. Further, has anyone else form Success
University placed and ad with you recently?

I look forward to getting your feedback and placing the ad,

Daegan Smith

P.S. Please confirm that this is your correct information:

Ad Submit:
Solo ad Cost:

Subject: Create passive income online - hype or not?


I'm sure you get hit up all the time about the latest and
greatest new opportunities of all time, right? There are so
many scams online today that it's a good thing to be

But I have a little story I want to tell you about.

Here's the deal...

About six weeks ago I came across an email with the
as the title:

"Find Out How Our Completely Automated System Brought in
2,937 People in One Month Without Talking To a Single

I what know you're probably thinking... "HYPE!" I mean,
I thought it sounded 'too good to be true'.

But, I wanted to see what all the hype was about, so I
decided to investigate it even further to see if it could
up to what it said it could.

Here's the link that I was sent to:

The business, after investigation, actually looked extremely
solid. So, I decided to give it a shot to just kind of see
what would happen with it.

The product is about getting your "PhD" in something that no
school teaches you... How to become successful! You learn
from the likes of Jay Abraham, Les Brown, Jim Rohn, Brian
Tracy, Jeff Combs, Robert Allan, and many many more...

And better yet, the sales system was the best I've seen.
Plus, I could test drive it for only $2 (which was then
donated to the "Feed The Children" foundation). So in the
very least, I felt better about myself knowing that I would
be helping one child eat for a whole week with my $2

I mean, what could I lose?

So, I did some ezine advertising as well as a little par per
click advertising and right now after only 60 days weeks my
business has grown to over 387. So what do you think
- hype or not? (and I can prove it too!)

The best part? I want YOU to see those kind of results too.
I'm going to make SURE that you succeed with this!

I mean, all I did was direct traffic to my lead capture

So here is my advice for you:

Follow the links to investigate everything for yourself. If
it makes since to you, get in on this thing NOW! (After all,
it is FREE!)

I look forward to seeing and mentoring you to achieve
greatness online!

Take care,
Daegan Smith
Personal Development Director


Step 4:

Waite for the ezine publishers to respond. ONLY advertise
with those ezine publishers that respond to your email.

Step 5:

If you do not have an Adminder account get one here now.
Create tracking links for all of your ads and record all
ezine publishers info within Adminder.

Then go to and create short redirect link for
your tracking link to use in your ads.

Step 6:

Place the following solo ad EXACTLY as stated with at least
6 ezine: (Just change the links and your name)

Subject: Create passive income online - hype or not?


I'm sure you get hit up all the time about the latest and
greatest new opportunities of all time, right? There are so
many scams online today that it's a good thing to be

But I have a little story I want to tell you about.

Here's the deal...

About six weeks ago I came across an email with the
as the title:

"Find Out How Our Completely Automated System Brought in
2,937 People in One Month Without Talking To a Single

I what know you're probably thinking... "HYPE!" I mean,
I thought it sounded 'too good to be true'.

But, I wanted to see what all the hype was about, so I
decided to investigate it even further to see if it could
up to what it said it could.

Here's the link that I was sent to:

The business, after investigation, actually looked extremely
solid. So, I decided to give it a shot to just kind of see
what would happen with it.

The product is about getting your "PhD" in something that no
school teaches you... How to become successful! You learn
from the likes of Jay Abraham, Les Brown, Jim Rohn, Brian
Tracy, Jeff Combs, Robert Allan, and many many more...

And better yet, the sales system was the best I've seen.
Plus, I could test drive it for only $2 (which was then
donated to the "Feed The Children" foundation). So in the
very least, I felt better about myself knowing that I would
be helping one child eat for a whole week with my $2

I mean, what could I lose?

So, I did some ezine advertising as well as a little par per
click advertising and right now after only 60 days weeks my
business has grown to over 387. So what do you think
- hype or not? (and I can prove it too!)

The best part? I want YOU to see those kind of results too.
I'm going to make SURE that you succeed with this!

I mean, all I did was direct traffic to my lead capture

So here is my advice for you:

Follow the links to investigate everything for yourself. If
it makes since to you, get in on this thing NOW! (After all,
it is FREE!)

I look forward to seeing and mentoring you to achieve
greatness online!

Take care,
Daegan Smith
Personal Development Director


Step 7:

Waite for your ad to run. When your ad does run follow up
with the leads your ad produces and wait for your sign ups

If you follow the process above you will absolutely recruit
at least 5 new reps into your business as soon as your ads
run. You will probably recruit more on the order of 12 -20
new reps, but I must be conservative to insure that you get
the results that you are expecting.

(If someone had given me this information when I first
started marketing it would have cut months and thousands of
dollars worth of "testing" so use this knowledge well)

To our success,


Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Personal Growth Solo Ad Copy (Rough Draft)

Title: Is Personal Development Real or Just Hype?

You see so many people that swear that personal development
training is the key to happiness and success, but is it

Well, I decided to give it a try. I received an email for a
guy I had never heard of named Matt Morris. In this email he
said that concentrating on his own personal development had
lead to him generating $3,244,842.32 on the Internet in Only
27 months. Here is the website that email sent me to.

To say the least, I was intrigued. He said in the email that
he got his hands on every piece of personal development
training that he could find and that doing this lead
directly to his exceptional success.

Could it really be that easy?

I wanted to know. I thought if that's all you have to do to
get rich then heck . . . Why not give it try?

Besides, Matt had just put together a resource that would
make this exceptionally easy to do.

You see . . . He had just launched a website that had
quickly jumped to the number 1 visited Personal Development
site on the entire internet. In less than a few short
months, Matt's site was even beating for
traffic, so I knew it had to be big.

Here's the link to Matt's site:

Matt's site is aimed at one thing - helping you get "PhD" in
something that no school teaches you... How to become
successful by simply immersing yourself in the best personal
development training available anywhere! You learn from the
likes of Jay Abraham, Les Brown, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Jeff
Combs, Robert Allan, and many many more...

I figured I'd give it a try. I could test drive it for only
$2 (which was then donated to the "Feed The Children"
foundation). So in the very least, I felt better about
myself knowing that I would be helping one child eat for a
whole week with my $2 donation.

I mean, what could I lose? Check it out for yourself . . .

60 days after putting in about 10 hours a week into my
personal development I've never felt better.

My life has attained a crystal clear focus, my energy has
increased, my confidence has risen 100%, and most importantly
I've been able to help over 370 people do the same and I've
created a hands free residual income stream at the same time.

You see by simple referring others to Matt's "Earn while you
Learn" system I've been able to create a new stream of hand
free income that is several hundred dollars a month at this
point and is only going to continue to grow over time.

Personal development works! I advice you to give it a try
and see for yourself. You have absolutely nothing to loose
and everything to gain.

Don't sell yourself short. You deserve more out of life and
you know it.

What are you waiting for?

Take care,

Daegan Smith
Personal Devolpement Believer
Personal Email:

A Great Vacation!

A Great Vacation!

I hope you all enjoyed the three day weekend.

I few updates . . .

The team is growing and growing and growing . . . We are up
to 379 members in a little over two months. Wow!

To all the new members, I just want to welcome you to the

Success here at Success University is simple. Just get as
much targeted traffic as you can to your lead capture page
and the Success University marketing system will take care
of everything else.

Your lead capture URL looks like:


So your next question is probably how do I get targeted

Well, we've taken care of that as well. Every traffic
generation method that you will every need is explained in
explicit detail in your exclusive team "Internet MLM
Success" eBook

Here is the password protected page with the link to the

(Get it from your upline sponsor)

password: yoursuccess

I know some of you out there don't know the first thing
about marketing your business online, so that's why we also
offer you the option of an exclusive team co-op where me and
my other team leaders research and do all the advertising on
your behalf.

Last month was our first run and we got some very promising
results. As a whole our team grew from 198 reps to our
current size of 379.

Here is an email that one team member sent me about their
involvement with the co-op last month:


"Daegan, Just wanted to update you on my successes. I
joined the ad CoOp at the very last minute last month but
the results have been impressive. I have had 5 sign-ups the
very first week the ads started. Can't wait till next month
to do it again. If everyone just does that much our team
will start to grow dramatically in a very short period of

All the Best,

Mike Costello


I want to provide this sort of a boost for everyone on the
team that I possibly can, so I've been hard a work
researching and preparing for our next team co-op run.

So here is a short preview of what we have on our plate for
next month's co-op . . .

There are 87 high quality personal growth online newsletters
that we have not exposed Success University to as of yet. As
far as I know I don't think these newsletters have EVER been
exposed to Success University. So they are prime for our

To prepare for the run, I have been hard at this work
constructing a personal development focused solo ad to use
with these publications. (I will post it on the team blog
for you all to see and use as well)

But that's not all!

This month I want to add a long term traffic generation
aspect to the co-op, If you've had a chance to look at the
team eBook you will see that article marketing and
distribution is the best way to do this.

So, I will begin to research, write, and have written at
least 15 personal development, internet, and network
marketing articles for the co-op that will be widely
distributed across the internet.

This will produce a larger scope of exposure to our business
and it will generate long term traffic to our lead capture

Let's take this to the next level!

Daegan Smith
Success University Director
Silver Spring, MD
My SU link:
Yahoo IM:

P.S. September 8th is my birthday, so I'm trying to figure
out what I can give you guys as sort of a present. I'll keep
you posted.

P.S.S. Get to as many of the training and opportunity calls
that you can. You may not understand why, but they are
another VERY important key to you r ultimate success here. I
spoke to Ned Rae, my upline and the head Executive Trainer
for SU and he said he needs us there. So bring your energy
and I'll see you all on the next SU call!

Monday, September 05, 2005

SU site down for a little

I just got finished talking with Ned Rae about
the SU website being down today.

Here's the scoop . . .

Jason and I noticed a few 505 errors in the past.
These were caused when the system was backing up
at 1:15am every night throwing up the 505 error
and shutting of the main server.

They have taken the system down to correct this
problem for good.

We just to have a little patience and faith and
things will be back to normal soon.

Email me if you guys need anything!


Sunday, September 04, 2005

Next month's co-op . . .

I just got finished writting Piet Aldem an
email about next month's co-op so I thought
I would share the contents of what I shared
with him with the entire team.

Keeping everyone in the loop:



To give you an idea of what we will be doing in
next month's co-op.

There are 87 personal development ezines that we
have not placed ads with as of yet. I will research
these ezines and develop an ad personally targeted
to this niche. I will then place the ads.

I will also add a long term component to the co-op
this month by hiring out a few ghost writers to
generate personal development, internet, and
network marketing articles that I will distribute
to online article directories and ezine publisher for
their use.

I will embed our team co-op link in all of
these articles. As they are distributed across the
internet the co-op will receive free traffic for
months to come.

This is important because there is only a fininte
number of ezines, and once they have heard our message
a certain number of times our ads will not be
as responsive as they currently are.


We're always looking ahead!