Tuesday, September 06, 2005

A Great Vacation!

A Great Vacation!

I hope you all enjoyed the three day weekend.

I few updates . . .

The team is growing and growing and growing . . . We are up
to 379 members in a little over two months. Wow!

To all the new members, I just want to welcome you to the

Success here at Success University is simple. Just get as
much targeted traffic as you can to your lead capture page
and the Success University marketing system will take care
of everything else.

Your lead capture URL looks like:


So your next question is probably how do I get targeted

Well, we've taken care of that as well. Every traffic
generation method that you will every need is explained in
explicit detail in your exclusive team "Internet MLM
Success" eBook

Here is the password protected page with the link to the

(Get it from your upline sponsor)

password: yoursuccess

I know some of you out there don't know the first thing
about marketing your business online, so that's why we also
offer you the option of an exclusive team co-op where me and
my other team leaders research and do all the advertising on
your behalf.

Last month was our first run and we got some very promising
results. As a whole our team grew from 198 reps to our
current size of 379.

Here is an email that one team member sent me about their
involvement with the co-op last month:


"Daegan, Just wanted to update you on my successes. I
joined the ad CoOp at the very last minute last month but
the results have been impressive. I have had 5 sign-ups the
very first week the ads started. Can't wait till next month
to do it again. If everyone just does that much our team
will start to grow dramatically in a very short period of

All the Best,

Mike Costello


I want to provide this sort of a boost for everyone on the
team that I possibly can, so I've been hard a work
researching and preparing for our next team co-op run.

So here is a short preview of what we have on our plate for
next month's co-op . . .

There are 87 high quality personal growth online newsletters
that we have not exposed Success University to as of yet. As
far as I know I don't think these newsletters have EVER been
exposed to Success University. So they are prime for our

To prepare for the run, I have been hard at this work
constructing a personal development focused solo ad to use
with these publications. (I will post it on the team blog
for you all to see and use as well)

But that's not all!

This month I want to add a long term traffic generation
aspect to the co-op, If you've had a chance to look at the
team eBook you will see that article marketing and
distribution is the best way to do this.

So, I will begin to research, write, and have written at
least 15 personal development, internet, and network
marketing articles for the co-op that will be widely
distributed across the internet.

This will produce a larger scope of exposure to our business
and it will generate long term traffic to our lead capture

Let's take this to the next level!

Daegan Smith
Success University Director
Silver Spring, MD
My SU link: http://www.the1andonly.biz
Email: da3gan@gmail.com
Yahoo IM: daegan_smith@yahoo.com
Blog: http://turnkeyinternetbusiness.blogspot.com

P.S. September 8th is my birthday, so I'm trying to figure
out what I can give you guys as sort of a present. I'll keep
you posted.

P.S.S. Get to as many of the training and opportunity calls
that you can. You may not understand why, but they are
another VERY important key to you r ultimate success here. I
spoke to Ned Rae, my upline and the head Executive Trainer
for SU and he said he needs us there. So bring your energy
and I'll see you all on the next SU call!


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