Saturday, September 03, 2005

My biggest mistake this month


I just wanted to point out to you all that internet
advertising is much more of an art than a science.
There really is true formula for success except
persistence and desire.

I recently ran a solo ad out of my own funds in a
publication called

Everything looked good. It was a 100K subscriber list
and all the advertsing testimonials looked extremely

I tried to email the list owner as I always advice you
all to do. I got no response.

So, I joined the mailing list to see if it was active.
It was. I started receiving the newsletters and they
appeared rather proffessional.

A few days after joining the list I received an email
from the list owner advertising a 2 for 1 solo deal.

I decided to jump on it. I didnit do full due dillegence
but thought the risk I was taking was a calculated one.

The ad cost $197 so it was not cheap by any means.

As soon as I placed our team "create passive income online
- all hype or not" solo ad which I know for a fact does well
and the list owner "magically" began to answer my emails. Hmmm....

He was extremely helpful and placed my ad the very
next day. Hmmm... ( a 100k subscriber ezine and my
ad was placed the following day? - what are the odds
of that? )

Anyways . . .

I know that you all can probably see where I'm going
with this. The list owner sent out the ad and I got
42 click throughs (which I know because I always track
my ads via adminder ad tracking) this averaged out to
$4.69 a click.

I consider a cost per click for ezine solo ads of $.60
or below as worth the cost. $4.69 was a little higher
than that. And for a list of 100k - if this list was any
good I would have received something on the order of at
least 500 clicks. So, I know something was fishy.

I emailed the list owner about the extremely low response
to my ad and guess what . . .

He never replied.

So their are two lessons that I want to teach you all with
this story . . .

1. Some people are crooks and will lie about how great their
advertising source is.

2. Always do your do dillegence no matter how much of a slam
dunk you think a certain advertising campaign will be. So,
if you ask the ad source provider for information via email
or phone and they don't respond - DO NOT PLACE THE AD!

Well, unless you wanna make stupid mistakes like me.

Your humble servant,

Daegan Smith


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