Thursday, July 14, 2005

Warren Fransham took Massive Action and Got Results in less than 24 hours!

Warren took Massive Action and is starting to see the fruits
of his labor!

What do I mean?

After reading an email that I sent out to the team last
night, Warren took immediate action and set up a free
Google Adwords account and in less than 24 hours now has his
first 2 free leads.

And guess what?

The leads are going to just keep on coming for free for the
next week or so.

If Warren's stats end up anything like mine he'll probably
enroll his first 7 - 10 new reps for FREE just for taking
15 minutes to set up his Google Adwords Account.

I just wanted to congratulate Warren on a job well done!

P.S. Here is the email I sent out to all my team members
last night out of pure excitement: (sorry it's sort of long

Email Start:

Holly Cow!

Introductions first: New Members
Ivy Hicks
Warren Fransham
Kevin Keith
David Woodward
steven reh
Mark McCollum
Isabel Columbie
Trent Brownrigg
Alasdair Morgan
Morris Telfer
Michiyo Horikoshi

Read this message carefully,

I was going to wait to write this email until tomorrow until
I read an email recently sent to my inbox by Matt Morris
explaining Success University's new 14 day Boot Camp email
training course.

I'm literally floored with excitement.

This mean Success University is going to ensure the
duplication of your business by making sure everyone in your
downline receive complete and proper training!

Success University keeps getting better. Not only do you now
get the best internet network marketing system on the
and the best success training available online, but now they
even train you step by step how to market using this system
to perfection over the course of your first 28 days.

This business is poised to blow up and I'm riding the wave
all the way to the bank! My business has grown 30 people
strong in a little over a week. Think what would happen if
each of you duplicated this success and then taught your
downline to duplicate your success.

This thing is unstoppable!

We are all definitely in the right place at the right time.
Keep focused and just keep sending people to your lead
capture page and there is no way that you can fail.

In fact . . .

I'm going to teach each and every one of you how to enroll
your first 2 or 3 students below you absolutely FREE using
Google Adwords.

Go back to my blog and read this post: Click Here

And then open a Google Adwords account using this link: Click Here

It will allow you to get $50 worth of free Google Adwords

Just follow my directions laid out in my blog post and then
send an email to to get my exact
list of keyword that I used and had success with.

Then just pop the keyword into your campaign and let it run
until you hit that $50 limit if you don't get at least one
to two new students using this method I'll be surprised.

In fact, if you don't get at least 1 new student using this
method I'll personally pay you $20 out of my pocket just for
taking your time.

So go set up your Free Google Adword accounts now you have
nothing to lose.

Email me at if you have any questions or
give me a call 202-321-4198.

To our success,

Daegan Smith
Your Counselor


Finny side note: While typing this blog entry I took a
second to check my email and I just enrolled someone new.
So, my grand total for today is 3 new reps so far. Just
another example of how the system sells and all I do is get
traffic to it!


Updated Stats for and some FAQs

Today's stats and some FAQs!

Got two new recruits today by just using the same methods I've
talk about in the past I haven't added anything new yet.

I'm averaging 2 new recruits a day so far! This business
has really got me excited. Please guys just give the methods
that I've talked about a try or email me so
that I can help you attain the same results I'm having.


On the burner:

I'm running a $30 ezine ad in
(I'll update the results for this after the ad run is over)

I'm putting together an internet network marketing eCourse
to help everyone on my team and to use in online article
marketing campaign I'm planning on running in the near
future(more on this later . . . )


I wan to list some FAQs from the team:

Does the Google Adword $50 Bonus Apply to Currently Open
Adwords Accounts?

No. But you can open a new account in five minutes so there
really is no problem. Here is the special link to open the $50 Bonus
Adwords account again: Click Here

How do Success University Course Credits Work?

Each elective course cost one credit and each acheivement
course cost 10 credits. After you take courses your awarded
credits in return to take more courses. Which allows you to
continue your personal development growth and training on a
continual basis.

When and How Do You Get Paid Commissions?

You qualify for payment after you have paid your monthly
dues and recruited 2 people (one in each leg of your binary
compensation pay structure) You get paid weekly when either
your downline upgrades to a premium level by paying a one
time $149.95 which doubles their commissions from then on -
on all levels.

You get paid your monthly commision based on how many cycles
of 6 people you have in your downline. To keep it simple think
or it as for every 6 people you have in your downline you get
paid $40 monthly on a recurring basis and this is to infinity!

With this compensation plan you can get paid every week as
well as a monthly! Personally, I really like this pay
structure because it's not that hard to qualify for payment,
as you can probably see by reading through this blog a
little, or to grow your team to a size where you are
receiving residual payment.

What is Spillover and How Does it Work?

If you are on my team and you look in your back office you
will see that you probably already have people enrolled under you.
How did this happen? When I enrolled them I had to put them
somewhere so I try to put them under people that have been
on the team longer.

Further, I always try to place people that I enroll on my
outside right and outside left legs because this will ensure
that everyone will get some spillover.

Think about it, if everyone gets some spill over then
everyone is more likely to stay on the team because if they
don't they are basically leaving free money on the table.

So try to give each of your new reps at least none person in
spillover if you can.

What should you do as a lead opts in to your marketing

At this point, what I normally do is just send the following



Just wanted to let you know that I'm a real person.

I saw you had a chance to check out Success University.

Let me know what you liked most about what you saw.

Did you get a chance to listen to the audio? If not you
should go
back and check it out now.

I know you're probably wondering about my personal success
so if you want to learn more about what I've done so far
with my business check out my teams new blog . . .

This business will help me achieve my goal of financial
freedom and I believe it can do the same for you if you give
it shot.

At this point I'm looking for leaders that I can teach to
duplicate my success and earn a good deal of money while
doing it. if you think you can be a leader on my team please
let me know.

Email or call me with any questions,

Daegan Smith
Success University Counselor
Silver Spring, MD


You can use this, but the generally idea is just to let
the lead know that your a real person working the system.

After I send that email I generally just wait until they
email me in return or sign up.

That's about it!

Hope this list helps,


Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Not to much to report. . . . Just 4 new sign ups since my last post which as Less than 24 hours Ago!

I really havent done anything extra but the opt ins and sign
ups just keep coming.

My success is all in my automated system and then just
knowing how to get some traffic to the system.

I know this from experience. I spent six months last year
cold calling leads paying $500 a month for what I was told
was the creme de la creme of leads with not 1 sign up.

Now I'm sitting on the other side of the fence laughing. I
haven't called one prospect before they've enrolled and I
spend almost 0 hour a day actively promoting my business yet
I've recruited over 20 new reps and I've actually made money
within my first week instead fo wasting $3000.

I'm sticking with internet network marketing and I'm willing
to help anyone who wants to follow.

Daegan Smith

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

"How easily I recruited 7 new team members and generated over 50 exclusive leads while I was sleeping last night!"

I am completely sold on the idea that a network marketing
companies marketing system has to be strong if the average
person is going to do well with their marketing and
promotional efforts.

With great network marketing systems the only thing left for
the new rep to do is get new visitors to the sales page.

Here is another piece of proof for why this is true:

Here is how I recruited 7 new reps last night while I was

I sent a solo ad to a couple of internet marketing ezines

All traffic was sent to


$17 Mailing to 900
$14 Mailing to 800

Solo Ad:


Title: Creating Passive Income Online All Hype or Not?


Wanna Learn the Secret of Creating Passive Income Online
From a man who made $3,244,842.32 on the Internet in Only 27
months for FREE?

Hi [firstname],

I'm so excited about this I had to send this to you

My good friend Matt Morris, who is the President and owner
of Success University, has been a partner of mine for the
past couple years and has earned millions online - this guy
really knows his stuff...

He has put together the most amazing Step-by-Step marketing
system the Internet has seen in years. Trust me on this, I
get approached with everything new online and I truly
believe this will take the net by STORM. He's allowing me to
offer this to my members before word gets out to the rest
of the Internet...

All I can say is GET IN NOW or you'll end up wanting to yank
your hair out later for not jumping on this.

Here's Matt's offer:

For a limited time, he's waiving his regular $149.95
enrollment fee allowing you to join Success University for

Matt doesn't need to do this at all - he's enrolled
thousands of students in over 50 countries around the world.
In fact, all of his advisors, including me, told him he was
crazy for throwing away this revenue...

Until he told us why -- this is where it gets exciting --
and this is where the "catch" comes in - You can enroll at
no charge and will be allowed to plug into Matt's Step-by-
Step marketing system that can earn you thousands of dollars
a month but you have to submit a $2 donation...

Matt's not keeping ANY of the $2 - in fact, he'll be taking
massive amounts of money out of his own pocket to give you
full access to the full Success University curriculum for a
full 14 days.

100% of every deposit will be donated to Feed taqhe Children
- your donation will feed a hungry child for a full week.
goal is to feed 6,000 children this month!

Here's the bottom line:


If you join my team now, I'll put so many people below you
it'll make your head spin! Not only can we help feed
thousands of children around the world - all of us, and I do
mean ALL of us, can earn a fortune here.

Matt has put together the most lucrative residual
compensation plan that has ever been released. You will flat
out earn More Money - FASTER than any other type of
compensation program you've ever seen.

GET IN NOW to secure a position at the TOP of my group.

I'm promoting this like WILDFIRE by emailing my entire
database each month, through my HUGE banner inventory, and
with pop-ups on my sites!

Trust me on this - donate your 2 bucks and watch what
happens in your downline!

Daegn Smith
Comlev Marketing


Results: (12 hours later)

51 leads and counting
7 new team members and counting

Positive Cash Flow:

(7 X $25) - $31 = $144

Not bad if you asked me.

You can use this exact solo ad in your mailings if you like

The best place to find highly responsive ezines is the
Directory of Ezines. Unfortunately it's not free, but it's
well worth it.

Use this information and it will work,

Daegan Smith

Monday, July 11, 2005

My Success Stat for my Business:

Here are my success states for Success University a little
more than a week into the marketing and promotion:

Promotion methods:

Forum posts
This Blog (your reading it)
Pay Per Click Google
Article Marketing

All my traffic as been directed to:

Stats: ( First week of promotion)

As of July 11, 2005

@ 600 page views
86 confirmed real time leads
10 new team members

Not bad if you asked me!


@ $60 for Pay Per Click Google Campaign
$15 Article post

Prospective Revenue

10 X $25 = $250

Positive Cash Flow

$250 - $75 = $ 175

Not bad for my first week!

Daegan Smith

Here's a great article that I found: Universal Law

I think you'll find great value in this article.


Universal Law

Have you ever had “one of those days” when absolutely
everything goes wrong? Have you ever wondered why some
people are successful, while others spend their entire lives
struggling? Do you ever get the feeling that someone is out
to get you because everything you touch goes wrong?

If you’re like most people, these thoughts do occur to you
from time to time. But what is the answer to these
questions? Is it a question of luck, could it be fate or is
there something else going on here of which most people are

The answer is both all around us and within us, and is
called Universal Law. Just like there are Natural Laws that
govern nature (such as gravity), there are other Laws which
govern all that happens in the universe. From the spiritual
to the physical to the mental, everything that happens does
so according to Law.

You see, the Universe around us is a very orderly place in
which nothing occurs by chance. Even though one cannot see
the Laws, or hear them, smell them or taste them, they are
there. They apply to everything and everyone – nothing is
exempt. Whether one is aware of these Laws or not, they
still apply - just like the Law of Gravity. Even though one
may not be aware of or understand Gravity, it always works.
No matter who you are, if you decide to step off the top of
a tall building, you will fall at an increasing rate of
speed until you reach terminal velocity or until you impact
the ground.

So what are these Laws and how do they work? There are
literally dozens of Universal Laws that exist, but for ease
of understanding, they can be distilled down to a main

1. Law of Control

2. Law of Accident

3. Law of Cause & Effect

4. Law of Belief

5. Law of Expectation

6. Law of Attraction

7. Law of Correspondence

From these seven, everything else flows. The beauty of the
Laws is that once one understands and lives in accordance
with them, life becomes extremely simple.

Law of Control

The Law of Control simply states that we have high self-
esteem and feel good about ourselves to the exact degree
that we feel we are in control of our lives. Unfortunately,
the majority of the population does not live according to
the Law of Control, but rather by its inverse, the Law of
Accident. The truth of the matter is that every one of us is
in total control of our life, but until an individual takes
the step to determine that they are personally responsible
for what happens to them, then they cannot help but live by

Law of Accident

This Law states that we feel badly about ourselves and have
low self-esteem to the degree that we feel events and
circumstances control our lives. In other words, we are the
victims of whatever else happens around us. If good things
happen, then we benefit, but if bad things happen, we play
the victim. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the world's
population live under this very dangerous and most
unempowering belief.

Law of Cause & Effect

This Law is also known as the Iron Law of Human Destiny
because it is so profound and powerful. Simply stated, the
Law of Cause & Effect says that everything happens for a
reason. All actions have consequences, as do all inactions.
Distilled down to the simplest possible terms, this law
states that for every effect in one’s life, there is a
specific cause. The law can also be applied in the physical
sense through examination of Sir Isaac Newton’s third Law of
Motion, which states that “for every action, there is an
equal and opposite reaction.” If, for example, you were to
hold your hand over a candle’s flame (the cause) the effect
would be that your hand would burn and it would hurt!

The truly wonderful thing about this law is that by
definition then, we should be able to manifest that which we
truly want (the effect), simply by exerting the same causes
that others before us have exerted and been successful.

Law of Belief

The Law of Belief states that whatever you believe with
feeling and conviction becomes your reality. It is not until
you change your beliefs that you can begin to change your
reality, performance and outcomes.

You have heard the doubters and the naysayers out there who
always proclaim “I’ll believe it when I see it!” In reality,
it is the other way around; it is not until you believe it,
that you will see it (no matter what “it” is)!

Self-limiting beliefs are perhaps the most detrimental of
all thoughts, since they absolutely will keep you from the
success that you may want, but don’t believe you can attain.
There is an old saying that goes ”whether you think you can
or you can’t, your right!” This saying is completely
congruent with the Law of Belief.

Law of Expectation

Simply stated, the Law of Expectation tells us that whatever
one expects, with confidence, becomes a self-fulfilling
prophecy. When one expects with confidence that good things
will happen, they usually will. If, on the other hand, one
expects a negative outcome to a situation, then the outcome
will usually be negative.

Our expectations play a key role in our own outcomes and
they also have a remarkable effect on the people around us.
What we expect from those around us determines our attitude
toward them more than any other factor. In turn, the people
around us tend to reflect our attitudes right back at us -
whether the expectations and attitudes are positive or
negative, good or bad.

Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction states that we attract into our lives,
that which we focus our thoughts upon. If our thoughts are
constantly on positive outcomes and good results, then that
is what we will manifest. If, on the other hand, our
predominant thoughts are on negative outcomes and poor
results, then that is what we will attract. This is based on
the fact that the Universe is simply vibrational energy in
motion. Emotions, thoughts, feelings and objects –
absolutely everything - has a vibrational frequency. Since
like attracts like, it is only logical that the vibrational
frequency of your predominant thoughts will attract results
that have a similar vibrational frequency. We know that
emotions which are love-based (love, desire, happiness,
wonder, joy etc.) have a very high vibrational frequency,
whereas emotions that are fear-based (anger, hatred,
intolerance, fear, sadness etc.) vibrate at a very low

Law of Correspondence

“As within, so without” is an old saying that perfectly
describes the Law of Correspondence. This simply means that
what happens on the outside is merely a reflection of what
is happening on the inside. Your outer world is a reflection
of your inner world. An individual that is unhappy and
living in conflict with themselves, will always exhibit
negative behaviors on the outside. Sometimes these negative
behaviors and thoughts can be masked, but the true feelings
will eventually reveal themselves. Everything in our lives
is a mirror of what is happening within us, be it financial,
relationships or health. If you want to make your outside
life better, the only way to accomplish this is to change
what is happening on the inside.

In order to live the successful, happy life we all deserve,
it is necessary to understand and live by Universal Law. The
best way to do this is to first and foremost, take control
over your thoughts and to stay in the present moment. Ask
yourself constantly; "What am I thinking about right now?"
If the answer is something negative, then take the
opportunity to change your thoughts. This will start to put
you back in control of your life which is the first step to
lasting happiness and peace of mind!

About the Author:

Tony Davies, Ontario, Canada

Learn more about Personal Developemnt

Tony Davies is an expert in the areas of Personal
Development and Leadership and in integrating these two,
seemingly different disciplines. He is successful at this as
the result of personal experience - a solid business
background combined with a passion, and gift, for personal
development and helping others. Tony is an adept public
speaker, mentor and an accomplished writer. Having authored
several articles, including pieces on Servant Leadership and
Universal Law, he is currently writing his first book. To
find out how Tony can assist you or your business, please
visit his website or call or e-mail him directly.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

How I easily recruiter 10 people into my business in 1 week without speaking to anyone!

This one little idea alone can make you rich!

Here is how I recruited 10 people into my home business,, in less than a week and I never
had top pick up a phone to do it. All I did was set up an
online advertising campaign at let it run hands free.

I've been involved with network marketing for over a year
and the most important thing that I've learned it is that
the money is in the system. If your business has a system
that can do all the selling for you you're job gets so much

I learned this the hard way. I spent over six months paying
for expensive generic biz opp leads. Making over 100 dials
a day five days a week and I netted 0 new distributors. Like
anyone else, I got discouraged and I quit.

I did some studying and realized why I had so much trouble
starting my business was because the company that I had
signup as a distributor for did not have a strong sales

I decided to lay low until I found a business that I knew
anyone could be successful with and then I found my current
business (listed above), which fit all of my criteria for a
strong fool proof automated sales and marketing system and I
started marketing.

My results are - in my first week I generated over
100 exclusive leads and I recruited 10 new distributors
without having to pick up a phone. All I had to do was get
traffic to my lead capture page and the system literally
took care of the rest.

I wan to show step by step you how you can do exactly the

The first thing I did was I chose what type of traffic I
wanted to direct to my lead capture page. There are only
really two choices, free and not free. In general,
generating free traffic takes much longer than paying for

I wanted to see how well my new business system would run
now not later so I chose to pay for my initial traffic.

The best traffic you can buy is pay per click traffic
because it is completely performance based. You only pay if
someone is interested enough in your ad to click thru to see
what's on the other side.

So, I decided to set up a new Google Adwords ppc campaign to
drive highly targeted traffic to my lead capture page.

You can do the same and actually get $50 worth of free traffic
by signing up here
It only takes about five minutes to open up a new account.


I created an ad: (This is the exact ad I currently use)

A $250K 1st yr pot'l. Live your
Life the way you want to live it!

Side note: Using the {keyword} tag allows Google to display
the exact keyword that a person enters when they do a
search. For example, if I go to Google and do a search for
cheese and my ad came up the first line of my ad would say

Feel free to use this exact ad if you want.

Next, I chose my keywords. I won't list them all here
because there are 686 of them, but I will explain how I came
up with my list.

First I brainstormed topics that my potential prospects
would search for on Google. So basically I cam up with a
list of about 25 keywords that I thought people who want to
start a business or make more money would search for.

Then I used a free tool called Good Keywords, which you can
download at, to
find every variation of those 25 initial keyword that people
search for online.

I added all of these keywords into my Google Adwords
campaign and then set up a price per click that I was
willing to pay. I decided on $.25 per click since I was
getting $50 worth of free advertising. I figured getting 200
free clicks would give me a good test of how effective my
business sales system actually was.

I then decided on my maximum spend daily allowance for
campaign. I decided $50/ day would give me plenty of room to
work with, so I choose it.

Side note: Just because I choose $50 a day as my limit does
not mean that I will get $50 worth of traffic a day, so
don't expect to hit your daily limit if you set it high.

After that I just let the campaign run.

My first day I spent about $8 of my budget and generated 14
leads and 1 new recruit!

I took that as a positive test that my business sales system
was effective. I let the campaign run and after about 5 day
I had hit my $50 free budget, but I decided to just let the
campaign continue because by that point I had at least
recruited 1 new rep a day and generated many many leads.

Fast foward to today I've spent about $50 of my own money and
I have 10 people in my downline that I persoanlly recruited and
all I did was set up a Google Adwords campaign. It so simple!

Building a business does not have to be hard at all if you
have all the right pieces in place.

I urge you to do what I've described above, but with this

You must make sure that your business has a strong marketing
system that sells itself or you'll honestly be wasting your
hard earned money.

Feel free to join me I know my system works, and I'll do all
I can to help your business be a success.

If you have any questions please feel free to post them as
comments on this blog or email me directly at

By the way, here is my favorite guide for pay per click
marketing, if you want to read up on the subject some more.
Unfortunately, it's not free but it is worth the money.

Here it is

Be on the lookout, in the next few days I'll be talking
about other great strategies to help you grow your turnkey
internet business!

Daegan Smith
Silver Spring, MD