This is from your upline Success University Director Daegan
Smith. This Important email is going out to my downline and
all of their downline 6 levels deep.
It's finally ready!
Our team distributor eBook is finally complete!
I really put my heart and soul into this project. I've
worked late into the night and early into the morning to get
it ready for you!
Here's why . .
Our team is 310 people and I've spoken to so many of you.
Everyone is so excited about Success University and the
business opportunity that it provides, but everyone asks me
the same question:
"What's the best way to promote my business to get a team
under me quickly?"
I always respond with three answers:
1. Get as much traffic to your lead capture page as you can.
2. Read the blog and follow the advice there.
3. Join our team co-op and let us do some of the
(Information about this is on the blog as well.)
Now all of these are great solutions, but in real sense they
are incomplete . . .
In order for you to prosper and grow a HUGE team under you
you need to know exactly what I know. Not some of it . . .
ALL of it! And your downline needs to know it too!
I went to work to solve this problem and today I unveil the
solution to you all. I've created an eBook like no other I
have EVER seen on the internet. This guide specifically
speaks to the topic of growing a large organization
completely online.
If you apply the information in this guide exclusive to our
team there will be absolutely no stopping your team's
This book is just another step towards making our
organization the largest and fastest growing at Success
University. I am doing everything in my power to help you
grow a huge business here at Success University.
Download this guide right now, read it, and the put the
advice mentioned within into practice and your business will
(You must get the eBook from your sponsor)
Now this guide is not just for you . . .
DUPLICATION is the name of the game here!
When you do begin to enroll people into your business don't
forget to pass this guide down to them so that they know
everything you know!
All of the pieces are in place for your ultimate success,
but I have one more surprise for you.
For those of you that are ready to take to bull by horn and
take your business to the next level I want to give you
something to shoot for.
I'll personally pay $80 for your share in next month's 9/16
co-op if you simply take action and enroll just 10 people by
that time.
I personally enrolled 4 people yesterday via one small
campaign, so this is a very make able goal. Especially now
that you know everything that I know!
If you want in on my offer just send me a personal email at
da3gan@gmail.com and let me know how many people you've
personally enrolled so far and what your goal is for 9/16.
That's all I got for you today, but you can trust there'll
be more big surprises coming!
Anything you need at anytime, just email me or your upline
Your humble servant . . .
Daegan Smith
Success University Director
Silver Spring, MD
My SU link: http://www.the1andonly.biz
Email: da3gan@gmail.com
Yahoo IM: daegan_smith@yahoo.com
Blog: http://turnkeyinternetbusiness.blogspot.com
P.S. I need your feedback on this project so please send me
any and all testimonials you have about this eBook as well
as anyways that I can improve upon what is already their.
P.P.S. I'll be updating the team's prospecting and welcome
emails to reflect the addition of this powerful new tool in
the near future so check the blog for the changes in the
next few days.