Saturday, September 03, 2005

Just one more post for today . . .

I just wanted to let you know that I had no idea how quickly
this business would grow when I first started it. Our exponential
success has surpassed all of my expectations.

And . . .

I've met some of the most success driven, postive, and exceptional
people I've ever met in my entire life.

I feel truly blessed,


My biggest mistake this month


I just wanted to point out to you all that internet
advertising is much more of an art than a science.
There really is true formula for success except
persistence and desire.

I recently ran a solo ad out of my own funds in a
publication called

Everything looked good. It was a 100K subscriber list
and all the advertsing testimonials looked extremely

I tried to email the list owner as I always advice you
all to do. I got no response.

So, I joined the mailing list to see if it was active.
It was. I started receiving the newsletters and they
appeared rather proffessional.

A few days after joining the list I received an email
from the list owner advertising a 2 for 1 solo deal.

I decided to jump on it. I didnit do full due dillegence
but thought the risk I was taking was a calculated one.

The ad cost $197 so it was not cheap by any means.

As soon as I placed our team "create passive income online
- all hype or not" solo ad which I know for a fact does well
and the list owner "magically" began to answer my emails. Hmmm....

He was extremely helpful and placed my ad the very
next day. Hmmm... ( a 100k subscriber ezine and my
ad was placed the following day? - what are the odds
of that? )

Anyways . . .

I know that you all can probably see where I'm going
with this. The list owner sent out the ad and I got
42 click throughs (which I know because I always track
my ads via adminder ad tracking) this averaged out to
$4.69 a click.

I consider a cost per click for ezine solo ads of $.60
or below as worth the cost. $4.69 was a little higher
than that. And for a list of 100k - if this list was any
good I would have received something on the order of at
least 500 clicks. So, I know something was fishy.

I emailed the list owner about the extremely low response
to my ad and guess what . . .

He never replied.

So their are two lessons that I want to teach you all with
this story . . .

1. Some people are crooks and will lie about how great their
advertising source is.

2. Always do your do dillegence no matter how much of a slam
dunk you think a certain advertising campaign will be. So,
if you ask the ad source provider for information via email
or phone and they don't respond - DO NOT PLACE THE AD!

Well, unless you wanna make stupid mistakes like me.

Your humble servant,

Daegan Smith

A few SU updates

Our team has grown to over 370 in just 2 months.
All I can say is wow!

SU is really working hard to give us all the tools
that we need to create ultimate success in out
Success University Business.

Check your new lead capture page. I like it . . .


The launch of our exclusive "Internet MLM Success"
disitributor guide went extremely well.

(If you don't have a copy email your upline)

The retail version of this eBook is in its final
phases thanks to all of your help. I will update
you all on it's launch. This project should help to
take us over the top.

Keep up the momentum guys!

You know I will . . .


Thursday, September 01, 2005

I need your help!

I need your help!

Guys I'm trying to move our team's growth along as fast as I
can. If we all work together we can do this and set records!

What I need is for those of you that have been on the team
for a little while to send me testimonials of your success
using our team's internet network marketing strategies and
ad copy. Be as specific as possible.

I'm putting together a retail version of "Internet MLM
Success" eBook to use as a JV marketing tool to bring in big
names into our organization and spread our name as far and
as fast as possible.

I'm doing everything in my power to help our team be the
most successful team possible. We gotta think big if we want
to win big, and this is one of those BIG things . . .

Part of a convincing sales letter is strong testimonials. I
need you guys for this!

Please take 5 minutes today and just forward me a short
testimonial of your success using our system to

Specifically I'm looking for our leaders to raise their

Martina, Isabel, Donnie, Paul Z, Paul B, Sue M, Trent, Jason
G, Bob J, Michiyo, Shane C, Mark M, Kerstin, Gloria H, Mike
C, Paul O, Dawn D, Phillip S, Ken R., and if I missed you
email me to let me know!

Remember . . . I only see success in our future and you have
my word that I will NEVER give up on you as long as you
don't give up on your dreams.

By the way, don't think the higher ups in organization
aren't taking notice to what we're doing!

Matt Morris, the president and CEO, of Success University sent
me a personal email last night letting me know that he was
impressed with our team and our eBook. We are definitely on
the right track!

Let's make this happen!

Daegan Smith
Success University Director
Silver Spring, MD
My SU link:
Yahoo IM:

P.S. If you did not get a chance to download your copy of
"Internet MLM Success" yet here is the link again.

(Gotta get it from your upline sponsor)

(Right click and hit save target as download)


I've updated the prospecting and welcome emails to reflect
the addition of this our new team eBook on the blog so go
and check them out when you can.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The Key to Our Success is Here!

This is from your upline Success University Director Daegan
Smith. This Important email is going out to my downline and
all of their downline 6 levels deep.

It's finally ready!

Our team distributor eBook is finally complete!

I really put my heart and soul into this project. I've
worked late into the night and early into the morning to get
it ready for you!

Here's why . .

Our team is 310 people and I've spoken to so many of you.
Everyone is so excited about Success University and the
business opportunity that it provides, but everyone asks me
the same question:

"What's the best way to promote my business to get a team
under me quickly?"

I always respond with three answers:

1. Get as much traffic to your lead capture page as you can.


2. Read the blog and follow the advice there.


3. Join our team co-op and let us do some of the

(Information about this is on the blog as well.)

Now all of these are great solutions, but in real sense they
are incomplete . . .

In order for you to prosper and grow a HUGE team under you
you need to know exactly what I know. Not some of it . . .
ALL of it! And your downline needs to know it too!

I went to work to solve this problem and today I unveil the
solution to you all. I've created an eBook like no other I
have EVER seen on the internet. This guide specifically
speaks to the topic of growing a large organization
completely online.

If you apply the information in this guide exclusive to our
team there will be absolutely no stopping your team's

This book is just another step towards making our
organization the largest and fastest growing at Success
University. I am doing everything in my power to help you
grow a huge business here at Success University.

Download this guide right now, read it, and the put the
advice mentioned within into practice and your business will

(You must get the eBook from your sponsor)


Now this guide is not just for you . . .

DUPLICATION is the name of the game here!

When you do begin to enroll people into your business don't
forget to pass this guide down to them so that they know
everything you know!

All of the pieces are in place for your ultimate success,
but I have one more surprise for you.

For those of you that are ready to take to bull by horn and
take your business to the next level I want to give you
something to shoot for.

I'll personally pay $80 for your share in next month's 9/16
co-op if you simply take action and enroll just 10 people by
that time.

I personally enrolled 4 people yesterday via one small
campaign, so this is a very make able goal. Especially now
that you know everything that I know!

If you want in on my offer just send me a personal email at and let me know how many people you've
personally enrolled so far and what your goal is for 9/16.

That's all I got for you today, but you can trust there'll
be more big surprises coming!

Anything you need at anytime, just email me or your upline

Your humble servant . . .

Daegan Smith
Success University Director
Silver Spring, MD
My SU link:
Yahoo IM:

P.S. I need your feedback on this project so please send me
any and all testimonials you have about this eBook as well
as anyways that I can improve upon what is already their.

P.P.S. I'll be updating the team's prospecting and welcome
emails to reflect the addition of this powerful new tool in
the near future so check the blog for the changes in the
next few days.