Friday, December 02, 2005

You never get what you pay for . . .

Isn't it true that most times in life that you never really
get what you pay for?

You always get something more or less then you expect when
you put your money on the line.

What do I mean?

Well . . .

You go out and you buy a new computer and you expect
everything to be fine and a invariably a month later it
breaks down.

Now of course you have a warranty for that, but you've also
generated a whole lot of hassle for yourself.

I mean . . .

You have to deal with getting the thing fixed, you deal with
shipping it, and you have to deal with following with the
support department to get updates on your "new" computer's
status, then you have to deal with the support putting you
on hold for twenty minutes and then when they do pick up you
have to deal with the fact that can't locate the status of
or your computer.

What a hassle you know?

On the flip side, sometimes you get more. Maybe in the
process of getting that computer fixed you meet your soul
mate on the helpline. That never would have happened if you
hadn't bought that new computer.

All I mean to say is you never know what you're going to get
when you begin a new path or start something new in your
life for better or worse.

I think about things like this when I think about my network
marketing business today. I never would have thought, when
two years ago, I dreamed of a better future through network
marketing and then had to go through the ringer that I ever
would be sitting the position that I am now.

I never would have found Success University if I hadn't gone
through everything else in my life and with network
marketing that lead up to that fateful day when I found E.K.
Gann's Success University link in an online forum.

I am so appreciative of everything that we have done to this
point at Success University that it truly fills my heart
with joy. But this never would have happened if I gave up
somewhere along the line.

I listened to Earl Nightingales "Lead the Field" today while
driving in my car and he said something that really hit
home. He said nothing can stop a person with a definite goal
in mind.

And you know what?

I find it to be true.

But, back the issue of you never get what you pay for . . .

Well since last night. In less than 24 hours, over 35 people
have reserved a share in the co-op. Whenever I see this sort
of a result I see that many many people on our team have the
same mindset of success that I hold.

I know we can't fail. I know we will always be the fastest
growing team in Success University.


We are literally a team full of leaders.

We set ourselves apart from the crowd.

No other team has our sort of support from the top down. No
other team shares the same since of community and crystal
clear vision.

Ever person on this team that has a goal will achieve that
goal. I guarantee it. Because I've learned it's the "Law".

If you want it and you TRULY want it it will be yours. It's
really that simple.

What does all this have to do never getting what you pay
for? Well . . .

When you are a part of our co-op I have to be honest you
NEVER get what you pay for. I personally make sure of this.

You always get much more.

If you were a part of last month's co-op you know what I
mean. (And you will soon know even further what I mean.)

Last night I told you the details of the co-op, but I didn't
give you anything more.

Tonight I will change that.

You see in our co-op you are never the only person vested in
your success. Not only do I make sure that we get the best
ad spot and deals I personally contribute as well.

What do I mean?

Last month we collect over $8,000 for the co-op yet the
total amount spent was over $14,000. (I got a little carried
way . . . )

And we still have some HUGE ads to run. Look out for 12/5!

So what more do you get when you join our co-op?

When you reserve a co-op share this month I will match your
share by 20%. So if you reserve a share today you will not
get $80 worth of advertising you'll get $96.

When we reach 100 co-op members I will match your share by
30% and when we hit the 150 member mark I will match your
contribution by 40%. It scares me to say it, but I'm
committed to doing it because my success in your success so
your financial risk is mine as well.

You never get what you pay for on our team.

Let's make history this month!

Reserve your share now.

Or just click below to join via PayPal!

[Team Exclusive]

Or just click below to join via StormPay!

[Team Exclusive]

We will use Paypal and Stormpay to handle all of our funds
as it is a very secure way to handle large sums of money
online and almost every ezine publisher accepts Paypal and

After you send your payment to reserve your share just send
me an email to with your Name # of shares
and SU username.

To the top,

Daegan Smith
Success University Director
Silver Spring, MD
Yahoo IM:

P.S. I have a lesson for today inspired by team member Kevin

He sent me an email with the question:

What should I do with my old leads that have not signed up?

I felt answering this question in this format would be best.

I saw an email from Matt Morris today saying that I had
personally signed up 28 new members since the beginning of
the Success University contest (Gary Neame was right behind

How did I get those sign ups?

Varying method discussed in the eBook, but the majority of
those sign ups came from leveraging leads that I had already

What I did was I sent 1 email to my old leads and 1 email to
"Internet MLM Success" leads. It was the same email that we
used for last month's co-op. It was a revised form of the
following email.

This is why I tell you guys to set up an email follow up
system via Aweber in the team eBook!

So you can send messages to your old leads ever now and
again to breathe some new life in them. (You can download
the team ebook by sending an email to [Team Exclusive])

If you haven't set up your personal auto responder follow up
system yet I hope you now see the importance of having this
capability. You can use the link below to get an account or
you can use the link in your team guide.


[Team Exclusive]


Then when I generated leads and sign ups I sent another
email to old leads list saying hey I got X number of new
team members and if you were thinking about joining Success
University I will place these member under you if and only
if you act within the next 24 hours. (As described in the
team eBook)

It works like a charm.

This resulted in 18 new sign ups in the span of three days.

If it works for me it will work for you to.

Use this knowledge well!


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