Tuesday, September 13, 2005

SU Co-op Update and a Surprise!

SU Co-op Update and a Surprise!

This is a very important message from your Success
University upline and team directory Daegan Smith. Pleased
read this email in it entirety.

I'm speechless . . .

Only one day after opening the team co-op we have 13 paid
members and another 14 that have request an invoice to join.

With this level of enthusiasm and desire for success our
team is destine to make it's mark.

I want to make sure that I am doing everything in my power
to make this work, so while driving to an appointment today
I thought of a good idea.

Last month I paid $80 for my co-op share just like everyone
else . . .

This month I want to do something a little different. I may
be crazy, but here's what I want to do ensure that each and
everyone of you has the highest chance of success with this
co-op run.

Aside from my duties as the administrator of this co-op I'm
going to put my money where my mouth is. Here's how . . .

If our co-op fund reaches $1500 this month I will personally
ad 10% or $150 to the co-op and I won't even ad my own lead
capture page URL to the rotations so will have $1650 in co-
op funds for our advertising run. (Your $80 share will be
worth $88)

If our co-op fund reaches $2500 for this month then I will
personally add 15% or $375 of my own money to the fund
without adding my own URL to the rotation giving us a total
of $2875 in co-op advertising funds. (Your $80 share will be
worth $92)

Here is where I think I may be getting a little crazy. In
the off chance that our co-op reaches $3500 in funds for
this month I'll bite the bullet and contribute 20% or $700
of my own money to the fund giving us $4200 to advertise
with for the month. ( Your $80 share will be worth $96)

Do you think that's a fair deal? (I think I might be going

I want everyone on our team to achieve a high level of
success, so I'm willing to put myself on the line to make it
happen. You've got a dedicated team leader and servant here
in me.

Let's take this business as far as humanly possible!

You have until 9/16 to join the team co-op. The easiest way
to reserve your spot is to go to the team blog right here.

Use the Paypal or Stormpay payment options there. If you
have any trouble please feel free to email me personally at

To our success,

Daegan Smith
Success University Director
Silver Spring, MD
My SU link: http://www.the1andonly.biz
Email: da3gan@gmail.com
Yahoo IM: daegan_smith@yahoo.com
Blog: http://turnkeyinternetbusiness.blogspot.com

P.S. I've updated the stats for last month's team co-op. You
can view them at the bottom of the co-op payment post.

P.P.S. I was given the honor of giving my first testimonial
on the Success University opportunity call last night. It
was exciting if any of you were there and heard me tell me
what you thought.


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