Wednesday, September 14, 2005

How the Co-op Works:

I've had some questions about this so I want to be as
explicit as possible with how our team co-op works. (By the
way no other team at SU is doing this and it clearly sets up
apart and has led to us being the fastest growing team in

Purpose of the co-op:

To help those that do no or have not had any experience
network marketing online get off to a strong start or to
supplement your own marketing efforts.

Step 1: Collect Fund

I collect fund from those who want to participate in the
team co-op via paypal or stormpay within a given time period
(i.e. by this Friday)

Step 2: Put lead capture URL from participants on Rotator

I use a program called page swirl to equally divide the
traffic the co-op generates between our participants.

Step 3: I Get to Work

You guys are done for a while at this point the rest of the
work is on me and my team leaders. We create ads and then
research ad spots. When we feel that a certain spot is worth
the investment we will place the ad and then track the
response via ad tracking.

Step 4: Traffic is Generated - The FUN part!

We choose only ad spots that are best suited for our offer
and then tailor an ad specific to that market. Once that ad
runs the traffic is divided up between the members of the

Step 5: Follow up with Leads Generated

Once the traffic is generated some of the prospects will be
interested enough to fill in the lead generation page. If
they do, now it's your turn to follow up with them by
sending our team email.

Step 6: The Team Grows

The result of the process is of course your team and our
team as whole grows. Some people have reported up to 5 new
team members, but the average seems to be 3 from our first
ad run. ( This number should increase this go around because
we have more experience with certain ad sources so we know
where to place ads for guaranteed good responses)

Update from last month's Co-op:

Last month we had 25 people in the co-op and $1760 to
advertise with. Before we ran the co-op the team was 197
people. Right now with a few ads still running in last
months co-op we have 413 people on the team. I
conservatively estimate the that co-op accounted for 80 to
100 of those new team members.

Update on this months co-op:

We have 18 people in so far and $1360 for advertising.
Remember my deal. If we get over $1500 I'll ad an extra 10%
to the total amount. And . . . I'm I've got another surprise
about the co-op that I'm going to unveil tomorrow.

I hope this cleared the process up for you.

If you haven't joined the co-op yet what are you waiting
for? Go over to the here right now and take advantage of all
of our hard work.

My personal goal is to help at least 30 people get there
business of to fast start with the co-op, so don't be
bashful - take action!

Your humble servant and director,

Daegan Smith
Success University Director
Silver Spring, MD
My SU link:
Yahoo IM:


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