Sunday, August 14, 2005

How the "Pros" Build a Large M.L.M Group

Insider Secrets: How the "Pros" Build a Large M.L.M Group
By Randy Gage

Well it happened again today. I checked my e-mail, only
to find a message from someone I haven't heard from in
years. What does she ask me? If I want to join her M.L.M
program. (Sigh.) And can I give her the names and phone
numbers of my friends, family and employees who could
buy her products? (Double sigh.)

And you have to wonder...will these people ever learn?

It's much like the calls I get at my office. They tell
Lornette that they have an urgent consulting or training
project, and must speak to me right away. I call them
back to hear something like, "Hi Randy, my name is
so-and-so, we met a few years ago at the MLMIA convention."
(I've never been to an MLMIA Convention.) "I'm working
with XYZ Company, and I just wanted to touch base with
you and blah, blah..."

And it's always the same. The "consulting project" or
"business venture" they want me to evaluate, means to
sign up as a distributor on their front level. They
often say they're returning my call, are old friends
of mine, or some other outright lie to get past
Lornette. They're worse then the dammed toner and
light bulb salesmen. They just don't get it.

Badgering prospects...

The people who make at least $10,000 a month in Nétwork
Markétíng on a consistent basis, never do such silly
stuff. They never use dishonest or duplicitous means
to reach people. They don't spam people over the Internet
and they're not cold calling some idiots on a business
opportunity list. They don't alienate everyone they know,
and they aren’t chasing "skinny rabbits." They are talking
to qualified prospects, and getting quality appointments
to make quality presentations.

Let's take a look at the marketing process — something
I think a lot more people should think about a lot more.
Here's why...

Most people approach marketing as selling. And selling as
getting the dumb prospect to buy something he doesn't need.
So they devote their career to learning NLP, sleight of
hand, and a host of other manipulative techniques to
coerce prospects into buying things they don't want or
need. Anthony Robbins and a legion of little Tony wannabes
have created an entire cottage industry teaching people
to do this. Many MLMers have jumped into the fray, bringing
these and other high-pressure sales techniques into Nétwork

These are the jackasses who call during your dinner hour,
opening with lines like, "Jim you don’t know me —yet —but
I'm working with an opportunity so amazing, blah, blah"

I approach marketing entirely different...

I have no interest in trying to sell something to someone
who doesn't want it, and I suggest you don't either. True
markétíng is based on a simple - yet quite profound philosophy:

We're looking for people...who are looking for what we have.

Put into more specific terms it means this: Our job is
to identify qualified prospects — then put our marketing
message in front of them. Give them enough information
to make the right decision for them.

If that means they join your opportunity or buy your
product, good. If it means they don't, that's good too.
Your job is not to sell your opportunity or products to
those that don't need or desire them. It is to find the
people who want what you have and give them enough
information so they can decide if getting it from you
is a fair exchange of value.

Sorting, not Selling...

Nétwork Markétíng is much more a sorting process, than it
is a selling business. It is this fundamental difference
in philosophy that separates me from the multitudes of
sales trainers, marketing "gurus" and book authors out
there. I take no perverse pride in selling ice cubes to
the Eskimos. I am not here to prove my manhood by
demonstrating I can manipulate or trick a guy into buying
something he doesn't want, or can’t afford. There's no
integrity in that.

I do take great pride, however, in presenting my markétíng
message in the best, most effective manner possible — to
qualified prospects. I want to outsell, outmaneuver and
out market my competitors, but I want to do it by offering
a better value. Then I want to market that better value
better than anyone else out there. And that's what I want
for you...

What the Successful People Do...

For more than 15 years, I've been studying what worked
and what didn't, in Nétwork Markétíng. Learned what the
long-term successful people did and why. Discovered the
secrets of effective presentations, and what motivated
prospects to join. And began the rudimentary forerunner
of what became the system I teach today. It was only
then that I began to achieve any degree of success. But
it wasn't lasting...

While I was able to conduct meetings, make presentations,
and sponsor a large number of people...most of my
distributors could not. The more people I sponsored,
the faster they seemed to drop out. What I did worked,
but it didn't duplicate. I came to realize that success
without duplication is merely future failure in disguise.

I went back to my system and fine-tuned it, simplified it,
and made it easier to replicate. It not only worked, but
it duplicated as well. It is that system (with continuous
refinement) that has helped many thousands of people, all
over the world, reach higher levels of success in Nétwork
Markétíng. It is that system which I shared in the first
edition of my book, "How to Build a Multi-Level Money

The book can save you much of the frustration and failure
I faced. Building upon my success, you can cut many years
off your growth curve and build your network much faster.
You'll learn what attracts prospects to you, and how to
present to them effectively. You'll discover the kind of
people you want to sponsor, and whom you would be better
to screen out in the pre-approach process.

Once you're well educated in the sponsoring process, you
will learn how to manage—and keep growing—a large network.
How to spend your time, how to develop leaders, and how
to counsel them. Most importantly, you'll learn how to
empower those leaders to develop new ones. By the time
you finish reading the book, you will have a clear
understanding of a fundamental, profound truth about
Nétwork Markétíng: You don't grow your network. You grow
your people - and they grow your group.

My hope is that you'll view Nétwork Markétíng as the
professional career it has become, and will join me on
my mission, which is to continue raising the standards
of this honorable profession.

Unlike corporate America—with its downsizing and rat-eat-rat
competition— Network Marketing offers you the opportunity
to nurture and empower the inherent talents in all those
you sponsor. In this business, success means the chance
to develop spiritually, intellectually, emotionally and
financially, while you contribute in a positive way to

As you undertake this journey of challenge, adventure and
growth, you will attract others who share your vision and
follow your example. You will lead them for a short
time—then release them as they unfold into leaders and
start the process all over again. You will feel pride,
joy and a sense of accomplishment few ever experience.
You will know that what you do means something—and that
your community is a little bit better place because you
have contributed.

Building a large, exponentially growing network is not
easy—it's not supposed to be. It is simple, however. If
you are coachable and persistent; if you really believe
in yourself, and are willing to follow a step-by-step
system—you really can achieve massive, lasting success
in Nétwork Markétíng.

But you won't do it with cold calls, Spamming and those
other irritating techniques we talked about earlier. You
do it with solid marketing, following a system that others
can duplicate, and running your business in an honest,
straightforward way.

What a System Looks Like...

Your system should completely delineate and spell out
the entire process that a distributor will follow: from
where to find prospects, how to approach them, how to
sponsor them, and how to train them to reach the higher
pin ranks. (For the sake of simplicity and your
understanding—I use the term "pin ranks" to mean people
who reach the top levels of your compensation plan,
whether they're called Diamond Directors, National Vice
Presidents or Master Coordinators. The name comes from
the fact that distributors receive a pin upon achieving
these ranks.) Each stage in this process should be clearly
defined and taught to the distributor at the appropriate

Here's a breakdown of the steps that might be included
in a system. This is not meant to be the be-all, end-all.
If fact, your system may be quite different. I offer this
example, so you can see the kind of structure I'm talking

Step One – The Pre-Approach...

This is the qualification step — the one that determines
whether you have a suspect or an actual prospect. This
can be done simply with qualifying questions, or qualifying
questions combined with a pre-approach packet. This packet
would include materials designed to screen out people who
are not good candidates for the business. (An example is my
"Lifestyle Freedom Pack.") Pre-approach means before the
approach. In other words, this step will determine whether
or not you would approach them about the opportunity at all.

Another way to do this is with a brief, mini presentation.
This is a quick overview, usually 30 minutes or less, to
see if your candidate is a serious prospect. This is usually
done one-on-one in a non-threatening environment (example:
in the prospect's kitchen or at a coffee shop). When you
first begin, this should be done as a two-on-one, meaning
you and your sponsor together presenting to your prospect.
This can also be done in a small group meeting in your
living room.

In either case, the interested prospects would be given a
specific set of materials to study, usually called a take
home packet. This packet would have a break down of how
money is made in the business and some supporting materials
on the products, usually a brochure or catalog.

Step Two – The Presentation...

This is where the prospect takes a second look at the
presentation, usually at a larger home or hotel meeting,
but it can also be done one-on-one. Like all steps, there
should be a clearly defined set of specific materials
(the Follow-up Packet), which should be given to the
prospect. This is usually more detailed information than
the previous packet.

Step Three – The Follow Up...

This step might involve getting the prospect to another,
bigger presentation (like a large hotel open meeting)
or simply bringing one more packet of information to
the prospect and encouraging them to make a decision.
Check with your sponsorship line. In either event, the
packet of information and the procedures followed should
be exactly the same for every distributor on every level.

Step Four – The Enrollment Process...

This is the step that takes place after the prospect says
"yes" and is ready to become a distributor. NOTE: This
can happen at step two, or step three. Each prospect
comes in at his or her own speed. It's important that
even if a prospect is ready to join at step two (that's
great!) — you still expose them to the information in
step three to preserve the integrity of the system.

Like our other steps, the enrollment process should be
completely spelled out, step-by-step. The training that
you receive should be the same, exact training that
someone on your 25th level, five states away, will
receive when joining your organization. (See my "Get
Started" training materials)

These four steps are the foundation for your system.
No matter which program you're in, it should generally
parallel this process. Again, though, check with your
sponsorship line for specifics. The later steps of the
system will vary more greatly from program to program.
They involve managing organizational growth and developing
leadership skills. (I explore them more deeply in the
Building Depth and Leadership Strategies chapters of
my book.)

Overall, however, visualize a system as a complete,
step-by-step process that anyone who joins your
organization — whether they're a doctor or waitress,
Ph.D., or high school dropout — can duplicate. It
means you should be able to fly to a city 3,000 miles
away — work with someone on your 50th level that you've
never met — and be teaching the same principles and
specifics they've been hearing from the person who's
on your 49th level.

You'll notice this doesn't involve any of the dishonest
and obnoxious practices we discussed earlier. Your system
should focus on identifying qualified prospects, educating
them, and letting them make the right decision for them. A
lot of people ask me how this type of system works today,
in a more competitive environment. The answer is, "better
than ever!" In fact, prospects today are so jaded today,
so assaulted, and so skeptical, they are completely turned
off by the high-pressure techniques. The kind of honest,
easy marketing we're talking about is very attractive to them.

- Randy Gage

Develop your recruiting and prospecting skills with
Recruiting 101, Building a Big Nétwork Fast-Six audiotape
album and 20-page study guide by Randy Gage.

For more than 15 years, Randy Gage has been helping people
transform self-limiting beliefs into self-fulfilling
breakthroughs to achieve their dreams. Randy's How to
Earn at Least $100,000 a Year in Nétwork Markétíng series
is the #1 selling album in direct selling history. And his
"Escape the Rat Race" audiotape has introduced the industry
to millions of prospects all over the world. For more
resources and to subscribe to Randy's free ezine newsletter,
"M.L.M Leadership Report" visit or


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